{ABIDE Day 1} Acknowledge Him First

Happy New Year!

While I can’t really believe it is 2016, I’m excited about what the coming year will bring. And it all starts with this, my first series of 2016 …

ABIDE: five day plan to start 2016 with intentionality

If you’re like me, you have already failed in your resolution to eat better and hit the gym in 2016. {I really am going to start next week! Honest!} It’s so easy to find ourselves discouraged when our dreams for the new year collide with our reality. And, so, it’s possible that you are reading this on the first Monday of 2016 and already feel like this year is going to be a disaster.

But what if I asked you to wait five days before giving up?

This week I’ll be sharing five simple ways to start this year with intentionality and purpose {even if it already seems to be falling apart}. Every day you’ll find one step you can take to change the course of this year. Each idea is rooted in the value of learning to ABIDE in Christ. Jesus talked about abiding in John,

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

Abiding in Christ is the key to having wisdom to live in a way that brings Him honor and bears fruit for the Kingdom. The more we draw close to Him, the more we are able to accomplish the plans He has for our lives and the more we live in the abundance He has prepared for us (John 10:10).

Abiding in Christ is the key to having wisdom to live in a way that brings Him honor and bears fruit for the Kingdom. Share on X

Ready to get started?


The first step to living intentionally is making daily time with the Lord the top priority. In Christian circles we talk a lot about having a quiet time or daily Bible study … but we don’t always do a good job of explaining why it matters, what it really means, and the nitty gritty about how to do it. So, let me answer those three questions.

Why does it matter if we have a daily quiet time?

Throughout Scripture and church history we find examples of men and women who were committed to spending consistent time with the Lord. If we say we believe our faith is more than religion but it is a relationship, we must also recognize relationships grow as time is invested in them. Daily time with the Lord in prayer and reading the Word is the foundation of all other spiritual maturing.

What is a quiet time?

At it’s simplest, a quiet time is a period of time set aside for the sole purpose of communicating with the Lord through prayer and time in Scripture. The main purpose is to engage in the Word and prayer.

While there is no formula for a perfect quiet time, an effective one will contain prayer, Bible reading, and response.

How do I have a quiet time?

Over the years, I’ve mentored over 100 teenagers and women in developing a meaningful quiet time and this is what I know: Everyone is different which means each person’s quiet time will be unique. There is no formula for the perfect quiet time and there are countless ways to develop a meaningful one. But, while there is no set method that works for everyone, there are necessary components including:

  • Prayer—Prayer is, at its simplest, an opportunity to communicate with God. It is both talking to Him and listening to Him.
  • Bible reading—Systematic time in the Word is absolutely vital to the life of a believer.
  • Response—An effective quiet time involves responding.  As we grow in our understanding of God’s character and of His plans and purposes for us, we must respond to what we have learned and understood.
3 necessary components to an effective quiet time: Prayer, Bible Reading, and Response #Abide2016 Share on X

The first, and most vital step, in learning to ABIDE in Christ is making a commitment to daily time in the Word and prayer. Until we are consistent in this area, our spiritual growth will remain erratic.

Today’s Challenge:

Commit to a daily quiet time for the next seven days. Identify a specific time and location. If you do not have a Bible reading plan, one of the simplest ways to get started is to read a chapter of Proverbs every day. There are 31 chapters so read the one corresponding to the date. Even if you only spend five minutes each day, it will still be the start of a new habit.

Developing a daily quiet time has been the most significant step I have taken to mature in my faith. While it looks different in various seasons of my life, spending consistent time in the Word and in prayer is a priority for me. Now is a great time to get started or re-started in your own daily quiet time practice. I’ll be here cheering you on.

Tomorrow, we’ll be looking at the next step in learning to ABIDE—Bringing our Burdens to the Lord. I am excited about sharing a little more about prayer and what it is to leave those cares and worries in the able hands of God.


Teri Lynne

What is your biggest struggle with maintaining a consistent quiet time?

Recommended Reading:

Recommend Resources:

Posts in the ABIDE series:

Prayers for Girls ... a monthly Scripture-based prayer calendar

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Happy New Year Teri,

    I look forward to the next in this series of abiding. As an Older Christian I understand and practice daily the quiet time you speak of. I am a new blogger and have only posted a few posts recently as I am in the middle of changing my blogging site. However my last post addressed this daily commitment and how it effects me personally when I miss a single day.
    It is titled “I’m sorry God I forgot about you today”. I think it expresses the conviction we ought to feel when we do not begin our day with the Lord. I will leave a link, I hope that is alright for anyone who wishes to read.
    You are such a blessing and I thank the Lord for your sweet spirit and obedience to teach others.
    Ms Linda Darlene

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