From our home in North Alabama to wherever this holiday finds you, our prayer for you is simple. May you find wonder in the twinkling lights And beauty in quiet winter nights. May you see others through eyes of grace, Reach others' hearts in every space. May God reach down and touch your heart, Feel His nearness, never far apart. May all your days be filled with love And blessings certain from above. This Christmas Day our prayers we share For peace and hope and friends who care. As you ... [Read More]
An Invitation for Christmas Slowing
It's frantic and it's push and shove To get it done in time The only chance for standing still Is in the check-out line. "Chargin' into the Holidays" from the musical, One Quiet Night Here we are, Christmas Eve ... and perhaps you are making your last minute dash to buy and bake. If so, you're probably not alone. If my Facebook feed is any indication, today will be filled with rushing to finish everything on the ever-present list. I have a few items left on my list as well. May ... [Read More]
Great Provider excerpt from When God Draws Near devotions
Sharing one of the devotions from When God Draws Near: the story of redemption. Free download ... go ahead and get your copy now! Great Provider Reading: Psalm 23 We have a seven-year-old nephew and, as my husband says, “His want-er isn’t broken.” He can open any catalog, watch any commercial, or walk down the aisles of any store and share the litany of all his wants. Of course, most of our want-ers are broken either, are they? We’ve got our own Christmas lists. They may not be full of ... [Read More]
The Reality of the Nativity
20 children shot and killed in an elementary school in Connecticut. 22 children stabbed at a primary school in China. As moms we hug tighter the children in our own homes. And we wonder at the evil, the brokenness, the sin. Our hearts break at the tragic loss, ache for the moms who will spend Christmas morning mourning. We echo the words of Longfellow, And in despair I bowed my head, "There is no peace on earth, " I said. "For hate is strong and mocks the song Of peace on earth, good will to ... [Read More]
I’m an Advent Failure!
Every year I have grandiose plans for Advent. Books to read, activities to complete, prayers to write. And every year one of two things happen: I don’t get started until December 10th . . . OR . . . by December 10th I’ve missed so many days I am ready to give up. For the past few years I’ve owned my Advent failures and determined not to attempt so much and instead slow and be still more. Instead of adding to my December calendar, I subtract. I write less and expect less—of myself and of ... [Read More]
When God Draws Near: The Passion of the Redeemed
I love this season! I love the lights and the decorations. I love the music and the parties. I love Black Friday shopping and wrapping the gifts. I love the food and the gathering around the table. Christmas is definitely one of my favorite times of the year! But mostly because Christmas is such a great opportunity for me to be light in the darkness! Just as my tree lights shine through the windows and the candles promise rest and warmth as they glisten in the darkness of night, so I have ... [Read More]