Construction Zone: Self Control

Under Construction
December 29, 2006

Scott’s in the hospital – since Wednesday.  I’m stressed out and not managing very well, at least not like I’d like to.  I wish I had more composure – so that even when I’m stressed, I could still manage to keep it together.

Lord, take care of my husband,  He’s Yours – I know that.  I’m scared to lose him, scared of life without him – but I DO trust You.  I believe, Lord, help my unbelief.

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. Proverbs 29:11

Father, today, I ask for a double portion of wisdom – to keep my mouth shut!  Lord, keep my mouth from evil and my tongue from speaking guile.  Change me – only you can … I lay myself down.


I’ve heard it said that when we are pressed the hardest, what is deepest inside us is what spills out.  Sadly, I look back and realize how many times I let anger and fear control my speech and actions during the time that Scott was fighting for life.  But, I also read my journal and the notes and cards I received during that period and realize that God was at work in me and was using me … in spite of me.

While I am still not completely self-controlled, I do find that I am far better able to function out of Him than I was even a few years ago.   I’m so thankful that God continues to work in us … in spite of us.

Living in the Construction Zone,

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. As I read this I was struck by the fact that even though you felt out of control… what you were speaking to yourself was truth…His truth. Sometimes I think that's half the battle… what we feel. If, during the rockier roads, I can just keep truth…His truth in front of me. A verse… or passage… or even a song that speaks His words it's goes a long way in keeping myself, word, thought and deed under control.

  2. oh I hope your husband is going to be ok. That is such a hard and difficult place to be in.
    take care of you in this process, rest a bit if you can,take a hot relaxing shower or bath, sip a hot cup of tea, find a friend to talk with. God will be in the midst of your situation. I know he will give you the strength to get through.

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