The Colors of Confession

Surrounded by people yet sitting alone.  One question asked by a humble heart,

“What do you need to surrender?”

Heads bowed all around me as I breathed a simple prayer, “Lord, show me …”

Eyes closed and heart opened.   I waited.

Red.  Blue.  Green.  Black.

Words echoing throughout my heart and mind.

Anger.  Hurt.  Jealousy.  Sin.

“Lay these down,” He gently beckoned.   Tears silently fell … release sweetly followed.

Laying down anger and picking up peace.

Letting go of hurts, sorrows and trusting in the Healer, the Comforter.

Releasing jealousy, insecurity and embracing identity, purpose.

Recognizing sin, the blackness of heart, and experiencing the fullness of forgiveness.

I opened my eyes as I realized a simple truth:  That’s what He does!  He changes the colors of confession – red, blue, green, black – into the color of freedom … white.

“Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord.  “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”   Isaiah 1:18

The beautiful promise of forgiveness, of freedom, that in Him, through Him, we are white as snow.

Will you walk the color of freedom, in that glorious white?

What do you need to surrender?

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Those I love…the people and the things I am holding too tightly, he’s asked me to loosen my give them to Him.

    Your writing is very inspiring! Keep writing girl…He shines through you!

  2. What a moment. I wrote one word on a piece of paper during that speech (I think we were at the same table that night) and it has given me a month’s worth of reflection already with more to come, methinks.

    Here’s what I wrote (and just for background, I have cancer. So Ann’s quote about our blog as altar was very deeply anxiety-producing because I am blogging about cancer!).

    Matthew 20:26
    Titus 3:3-9

    Altar – my blog is a place to lay down and die.

    I’m thinking: LAY DOWN and die?? I might die, but am I not supposed to FIGHT?

    So that’s what has me spinning. God sent me to another incredible cancer patient’s blog and I heard it again. Lay down and die. YIKES!

    So, that was officially the most rambling I’ve ever done in a comment! I’m sorry! And I’ve been meaning to comment to say I really enjoyed meeting you and laughing so hard while we waited for dinner! You seem like an amazing person and I’ll be reading to get to know you better.

    Genevieve Thul @ Turquoise Gates recently posted…Theyre just bunnies Harmless- rightMy Profile

    • Thank you, Genevieve, for sharing that with me … and yes, yes, fearfully and decidedly I join you in saying yes … to laying down. Praying for you and thankful to have met you.

  3. Beautiful (clean, pure!) thoughts today, sweet girl. I’m with you on that walk! And if you need a physical reminder, get your cute self to CO today and we can do this quite literally! 🙂


  1. […] opened my heart and my eyes and my writing to new perspectives and new desires.    Laying down old things and seeking His things has been difficult.  But so […]

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