Working toward Contentment

That drive to be productive with our time was put there by God … Although we work to fulfill earthly needs, we should work to bring honor and glory to God, who is the Creator of work. ~ Vonette Bright

As I’ve begun this journey back to a contented life, I find myself being reminded time and again of simple principles I had let slip away.   This one, foundational to this blog and in my life, is vital:  All things for Christ! Rooted in Colossians 3:23 – Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men – I find myself reminded that all of life is opportunity to bring glory to His Name.

So, I continue counting, moving toward contentment, with this reminder in place … the work I do, in my home, in my church, in my community, all is for His Name.  And so I work heartily … gratefully … and with contentment.

Numbering the “whatever you do” (Colossians 3:23) and the joy of working for Him:

{21 – 40}

  • Planning meetings overflowing with great ideas, uplifted prayers, and belly laughs
  • Scooping meat and cheese into taco shells
  • Eating chocolate chip cookies, warm from the oven, made by the girl
  • Relishing an early bedtime, knowing it won’t come again soon
  • “In Christ alone, I place my trust and find my glory in the power of the Cross.  In every victory, let it be said of me, my source of strength, my source of hope, is Christ alone.”
  • Strong arms that hold me during the ugly cry
  • Truth ringing clear – even through my hurts and sobs … I am HIS.
  • Multiple coffee pots so when one breaks the coffee still brews
  • Opportunities – exciting and totally unexpected
  • Nativity tree
  • Sharing B90Days with others
  • Afternoon car chats with the girl
  • Silly dancers
  • Good morning girls
  • Totally dropping the ball –  and having a husband who handles it for me
  • The mess of decorating – because we do it together
  • Trees with no ornaments because the girl had to go to bed (so we do it the next day)
  • Phone calls with far-away family
  • Videos that make me cry
  • Ultrasounds that change hearts and celebrate life every day at Care Net

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!