A Prayer for the Orphans

Orphan Sunday.

That the need for such a day even exists leaves my heart aching. But it does … and we know this, God Himself is passionate about orphans! In fact, a measure of our own depth of love for Him and relationship with Him is our concern and involvement in orphan and widow care (James 1:27).

The need is great, the opportunities are many. Across the globe and for most of us, across the street as well.

Orphan Sunday is the first Sunday in November, set aside to pray for and engage in the needs of the 15 million orphans in our world.

A Prayer for the Orphans

Lord, we are overwhelmed by the numbers and crushed by the pictures. We hear and read the stories of children all alone and we pull close the sweet babes you have given to us.

God, we cry out today—every day—for those who are forgotten, neglected, alone.  We know that You are the Protector of the weak, the Shelter for the cold, and that in You—because of grace—we are adopted!   So, train our hearts to beat as Yours, cause our eyes to see as Yours, and move our hands to act as Yours.

We open ourselves up and lay ourselves down.   We are vessels for Your glory … and we will obey!

For those who are cold, we pray for blankets and hugs.

For those who are sick, we pray for medicines and compassion.

For those who are alone, we pray for hope and relationship.

Orphans come in all colors and sizes  but the heart of all is the same.   Lord, today, by Your mighty power, will You touch the abandoned souls and fill them with Your love?

And will You cause us to do the same? 

Give us eyes that see, O God, and ears that hear.

Move us from our comfort zone and into sacrifice for You and for Your children.   We are the least of these, let us never forget how great our own need is.   And as we live in that truth, give us passion and conviction to meet the needs of others.

In the name of Jesus Christ we humbly pray,


Will you educate yourself about the orphans?  But even more, will you act?

Why Love Orphans? from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.

For even more information and resources on this topic, visit Cry of the Orphan.

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Thank you for this wonderful expression of love for God’s children. There is a great need for help but mostly love.

    • Laura, you bless me and seeing those beautiful babies of yours every week at church is a sweet reminder of how God is faithful to the orphans … and how He works all things together for good.

    • Sara, I was thinking of you as I sat in the airport on the way home from Relevant … what a sweet time we had last year to just share our hearts. Praying for the Happy Brown Household as you are obedient to the call of adoption.

  2. Beautiful TL! Thanks for sharing your heart with so many. Trusting the Father to the fatherless to care for our orphan across the ocean and the millions of others around the world.

    • Sandra, your passion on this topic has sparked my own. Thank you for living out Scripture. Praying for dear Joel today and always.

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