When Weekends Are Great and Mondays Start Hard

{For all my email subscribers who received a blank email … I am so sorry.}

encouragement www.terilynneunderwood.com

This weekend we had company. We laughed and reminisced, ate and laughed some more. It was great.

Friday night, we celebrated Scott’s grandmother’s 88th birthday. Four generations gathered around the table was pretty special. Watching the kids sing “Happy Birthday” for their great-grandmother was so sweet. It was great.

Saturday morning, we went to our nephew’s basketball game … 6 and 7 year olds playing rec ball. The boy scored, we cheered. It was great.

Saturday afternoon, we shopped and ate. I finally bought a 2013 wall calendar for the kitchen {I always wait until mid-January when they are 50% off}. It has cupcakes on it. The girl loves it! It was great.

Saturday night, we watched movies and relaxed. We belly laughed as we told stories of adventures we had shared. It was great.

Sunday morning, Scott led worship at a church he had previously served. We saw old friends and recalled memories of the fun and ministry we’ve done. It was great.

Sunday night after church, we ate dinner at my house. Nine of us gathered around my table … everyone talking and laughing, enjoying the good food but also the beautiful ordinary of a meal shared with friends. It was great.

When I laid down last night I was just overwhelmed by how sweet the time we’d shared with friends and family had been, how much I love our church family, how thankful I am for the opportunity to serve and do ministry with my husband. I fell asleep thinking how truly great the weekend had been.

And then Monday came …

Scott said (way too early!), “Hey, did you write a blog post for today?” I mumbled my not-quite-awake answer, a very elegant and well-spoken, “Huh?” He proceeded to explain there was a link on Facebook but no actual words in the post on my blog.

Yeah, twice now I’ve scheduled posts I haven’t written. Twice in three weeks. Not good, y’all.

Monday morning reality collided with my fond recollections of the weekend just past and left me in a bit of grumpy mood. I grabbed the computer to check … hoping that somehow this error only occurred on his computer. Sadly, the blank post had hit the whole internet. {Where is a good technical glitch when you need it??}

I re-saved the post as a draft … and did what every reasonable person would do. Fixed my coffee. As I sat back down at my desk, I read this:

encouragement www.terilynneunderwood.com

Just a note in a card I received this weekend. In fact, I received three notes of encouragement over the weekend. Each one a reminder of someone who prays for me, encourages me, believes in me, and loves me. And I realized {again!}, it really isn’t about perfect blog posting schedules or never making a mistake.

I do this whole blogging thing for one reason …to provide inspiration and practical ideas for living in the abundance God has for us.

So, yeah, my day didn’t start so great … in fact, it sort of started awful! But, I’m pretty sure of this one thing: this day will end however I choose to make it.

And, I’m thinking after three great days, why stop the streak!! Day four of great, let’s go!

How do you refocus after a frustrating moment (or day … or week …)?

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. We have a saying at my house”: Learn from it & move on.” Okay, we have more than one saying. Here’s another: “You can’t do a thing about it.” I know, not very original, but they help us all not get too hung up when things don’t go as planned, or when we make mistakes. We immediately try to look at making our next steps positive.

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