School Clothes, School Supplies, and Boots for Momma! {Back to School Preparations}

Two weeks from today, my daughter will start her last year of middle school. {Hold me, please.} It’s not that I want to go back to the days of diapers and late night feedings. Nor do I wish to return to potty training and the never ending sounds of Barbie princess movies.  I really don’t even miss spelling lists or working on multiplication tables {probably because we still end up needing to do those}. But somehow knowing that this time next year we’ll be staring at her first high school class schedule … well, let’s just say that little idea has left me with a lot of wondering where time went and have I done enough.

Back to School Preparations

I’ve been trying to distract myself from all these thoughts by shopping. There are so many shopping options during the back to school rush … clothes, school supplies, and boots {well, maybe the boots are just a retail therapy for my sad little heart}. 

{This might be a good time to mention the links in this post are affiliate links and if you decide to purchase through them, I will receive a small commission which I just might use toward those boots … or, more likely, pencils and such for my girl.}

We’re ordering school supplies from Amazon.  Because with my Prime Membership, they’ll be here in two days with no shipping costs AND I don’t have to go to the Walmarts.  {Those who know me in real life will understand that is worth way more than the boxes of crayons for a quarter to me. And also, did you know you can have a toilet paper subscription?  For real … this could be life-changing, y’all!}

I’ve also be thinking about our morning schedule … and how to make this year better than last.  {There might have been some huffing and puffing around here last year as we rushed to get out the door for school.}

So, this week’s agenda includes looking for quick but protein-rich breakfast ideas and working on a morning schedule that allows time for devotions and even a bit of exercise … without feeling rushed when we have to leave at 7:35. {Tell me, do you think that’s wishful thinking???}

How are you preparing for back to school?


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


    • Oh…the link doesn’t work. Are you on vine, TL? The link was supposed to be a clip of a despondent girl with bright red hair. In the background someone says, “Your life is not over,” and she responds quite dramatically, “Yes, it is. They only have it at Wal-mart. I have to go to Wal-mart.”

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