Once upon a time there was a girl who was Type AAAAAAA. Schedule and routine were her BFFs. She nurtured her relationship with them and gave them plenty of attention. She consulted the mighty duo before accepting any obligation. She paid attention to how she spent her time and took pride in accomplishing her daily goals.
All was well in her world. Until …
She had a three-week-long headache due to stress. Her husband started a new job at a church in a new community. Her daughter began middle school. She began working from her home. She accepted multiple writing and speaking opportunities.
Suddenly, her well-oiled machine of time management was lost under the laundry that never, ever got caught up. She couldn’t find a routine that allowed for meal planning and regular changing of the bedsheets. Her schedule seemed dictated by forces beyond her control.
She was frantic … life was moving around her and she was operating on frenzy and missed deadlines. It was out of control and the girl was miserable.
Finally, with head tucked low, she admitted a need for help.
Enter, the lovely Carey Bailey. Life coach, encourager, and friend.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m the girl with the laundry issues. Late last spring, Carey and I began a series of life coaching calls. Not because I’m crazy {which still remains in debate!} but because life had spun out of control and I couldn’t find any place to step off the merry-go-round.
In the course of three calls and a few emails, Carey helped me sort out what really mattered to me in this season of life. Her gentle questioning enabled me to understand why I felt so discombobulated all the time. And she guided me to developing a plan, a simple and doable plan for change.
Maybe you are struggling to find your groove in whatever season of life you find yourself. Maybe your life has been turned upside down lately by changes outside your control. Maybe you need help figuring out what to do next or how to get from where you are to where you want to me.
Carey can help! I didn’t need a therapist or a counselor, I needed a coach. Someone who would ask the right questions to help me find the right answers. Maybe you do too?
Having a life coach last spring helped me refocus on what really matters to me and my family. Even though my laundry still isn’t caught up most days, we rarely run out of towels anymore. And around here, we call that success!
If you are interested in learning more about life coaching or Carey’s services, please check out her website. She has a quick five-question survey that can help you determine if life coaching could be useful for you. And she offers a free introductory session!
Seriously, friends, Carey is amazing. Tell her I sent you!!
How could a life coach help you?
{P.S. I also love Carey’s practical blog posts and her “Pin God 1st” challenge every month! I’m thankful to have this girl as my friend!}
This post came at the perfect time. MY last post was about discerning the “right” choice among the right choices…every day! I appreciate your authenticity here…it is an encouragement to hear from other reformed (reforming) Type A’s about finding God’s best in a sea of “good” things to do…
2 amazing coincidences. (1) Carey’s was the first business card I got this year at SheSpeaks – I went to her website and saw that unique picture of hers and ran and dug out her card – just reading your post, I didn’t realize I had met her about a month ago! (2) As I read her story I see that she lives in the Phoenix, like me! My family and I moved here about a year ago (hubby is USAF). I didn’t realize that when I met her…
Thank you Teri Lynne! Really enjoying your blog! 🙂
You need to connect with Carey in real life, girl! She is a true gem!! One of my very favorite memories of Allume last year was a sweet conversation with Carey. She is authentic, caring, and so fun!
Thanks for your comment … we reforming Type A’s need each other, huh??