28 Days, 28 Ways: Celebrate His Role as Dad

Welcome to 28 Days, 28 Ways: Investing in Your Marriage! All month long I’ll be sharing ideas and tips for investing in your marriage.  You can find a list of all the posts here.

28 Days 28 Ways: Investing In Your Marriage || TeriLynneUnderwood.com

If you follow my Instagram feed, you know today is a special day in our home. Today, our daughter turns 14. Four. Teen.  Yowza! I mean, how in the world has this happened. {I’m so thankful for friends wondering the same thing about their kids … right Kristen and Stacey and Kristin??}

We’ll spend today celebrating this child who has brought us such joy. But this man of mine is a fantastic father and I am also celebrating his role as dad in her life! Sometimes we moms start to think parenting is all on our shoulders, and while for some it is, for many of us that isn’t the case.

he's a great dad || Teri Lynne Underwood

Casiday is a self-proclaimed Daddy’s girl and I’m incredibly thankful for that. Statistics that show girls with great relationships with their fathers make far fewer stupid choices aside, their relationship brings me joy I can’t even describe. I love watching them banter and tease and laugh. And there is nothing sweeter than seeing my long-legged girl sprawled across her daddy’s lap as they sit in his recliner and watch TV.

The apostle Paul wrote,

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. {Ephesians 6:4}

Scott lives this. And trust me, I know how unique it is! I know what a gift it is to have a husband who faithfully prays for our child. I know what a precious thing it is for Casiday to have a Daddy who doesn’t just talk about worship and service and loving others but truly lives that out in front of her.

Celebrate his role as dad || Teri Lynne Underwood

Because of Scott’s life, Casiday knows what love that lays down his own life for his wife looks like {Ephesians 5:25} … because she has seen how beautifully her Daddy loves her Momma. Because of Scott’s life, Casiday knows what it looks like to care for widows and orphans {James 1:27} and the least of these {Matthew 25:40} … because she has seen her Daddy give himself sacrificially to love and care for those the world often neglects. Because of Scott’s life, Casiday knows what a man after God’s own heart looks like {Acts 13:22} … because I truly believe that is what Scott is.

Today, we’ll take our girl and her two besties shopping and out to eat.  We’ll watch them laugh and we’ll wonder how it has happened so fast. But I’ll also be cherishing the gift of a godly husband, a man who is faithful first the Lord and then to me and his family. What a precious gift it is to know our love is steadfast … that whatever the storms of life bring, we’ll face it all together.  And what an incredible gift to give our girl!

Celebrating both of them || Teri Lynne Underwood

So happy birthday, Casiday!  But even more, thank you, Scott, for showing our girl what a father’s love should be and, by your very life, pointing her to the Father! I love you both.

What’s your favorite part of watching your husband with the kids?

Cheering you on!

{These beautiful photos of the two most precious people in my life were taken by Heather Mouser.}

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


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