31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage {Haggai 1:7}

Thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways.
Haggai 1:7

Do you ever stop and think about why you do the things you do?

Not just the big things but little ones as well. I don’t know about you, but I have some habits and mannerisms that drive Scott crazy. For example, eye rolling.

Apparently I roll my eyes … a lot. And it isn’t his favorite. Time and again he’d mention how much he hated when I did it and often I’d respond that I didn’t even realize I had. Truth, y’all — eye rolling had become such a habit for me I didn’t know when I was doing it.

I’ve heard it said that the reason for divorce usually isn’t one big thing but a thousand little ones. We laugh about whether or not the toilet paper should roll from top or bottom or if you should roll or squeeze the toothpaste … but over time, those minor things can become major. I’m not saying they should — I’m saying they do.

Have you let the little things build up in your marriage? http://wp.me/p3aJPA-1Qo #PrayersForMarriage Share on X

This verse from Haggai is a call to the people of Israel to consider their ways concerning their relationship with the Lord. Because just like those little things can build up and ultimately create tension in our marriages, the same process can happen spiritually.

We need to consider our spiritual habits. Are we growing in our intimacy with Christ? Are you we spending time in worship, both corporate and individual? Are we encouraging others in our family and beyond to seek the Lord? Are we serving Him and living generously?

Sometimes we all need a little time for reflection and evaluation of how we are living our lives. We need to evaluate the habits we’ve developed and the way we’re handling our relationships. And, most of all, we need to ask the Lord to reveal to us where we haven’t been living in a manner that honors Him.

31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage || Haggai 1:7

Lord, life is busy. And we are often guilty of allowing bad habits to sneak in to our days. We don’t always see them immediately but they impact our marriages and our relationship with You. Will You please help us to be mindful to consider our ways in all things? In Jesus’ name. Amen.

31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage index

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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