How Do We Experience Life to the Full?


Life to the full isn’t centered around a full schedule. Abundant life isn’t found by doing more.

So what is this abundant life—life to the full—Jesus promises?

The word used here for life is “zoe.” One of my lexical aids described this life as “the very life of God, of which believers are made partakers.” We are partakers of the very life of God! And not just life, but He offers us this life to the full. Abundantly. Over and above, more than enough. Jesus came so that we would be able to live the fullest, most abundant, crazy over and above, more than enough lives. What does this big life involve?

  • Relationship with Him. We are invited into the very life of God, intimacy with the Creator and Sustainer of everything.
  • Relationships with others. We are offered community, fellowship, and interaction with fellow believers in order to strengthen and support one another. We are given the opportunity to sow into the lives of unbelievers in order to point them to the Giver of all life.
  • Receiving blessing now. Isn’t God good? He gives us gifts innumerable and blessings unimaginable every. single. day. But the best part is …
  • Redemption for eternity. In all of life, there is no greater gift than THE Gift – the gift of salvation and the promise of eternal life.

Jesus came to give us abundant life – now and forever! Life to the full isn’t centered around a full schedule. Abundant life isn’t found by doing more. We can only experience this deep, meaningful life through Him.

Life to the full isn't centered around a full schedule! Abundant life isn't found by doing more! Share on X

I don’t know about you, but that is really good news to me. My life doesn’t always feel abundant. But when I stop and realize the truth—that life is made full through Him, not me and what I do—I am able to face the challenges and heartaches with confidence, knowing He is with me.


Teri Lynne

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I’m lovin’ this post!!

    This is one of my most favorite Bible verses E.V.E.R.! I first memorized it in the Amplified version. You know….I’d never read that verse until I was several years into my walk with Christ (in which that didn’t happen til I was about 22 years old)!

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