#MarriagePrayers: 1 John 4:7

#MarriagePrayers || 31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage || Teri Lynne & Scott Underwood

Can you believe it? The last post in our #MarriagePrayers series. Thank you so much for joining us … we’ve loved sharing these stories and verses and prayers with you. To those who have shared these posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, we give our deepest thanks. To those who have left comments and sent emails to let us know how the prayers have impacted you, we are humbled and grateful that God would use us. To those who are struggling to find a shred of hope to hang on to in your marriage, we are praying for you. To those who are digging deep together, we celebrate you.  To those who are just starting out, we encourage you. To those who are way past the 20-year mark, we admire you. Marriage is truly a gift from God and we’ve been honored to share a piece of ours with you for the past month. From our hearts, thank you. ~ TL & Scott


Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. — 1 John 4:7


Summer of 1995

I met Teri Lynne on June 12. In mid-July, I spent two weeks in northeast Missouri leading worship for camps where she also was helping with drama and it was confirmed. I was crazy about this girl. She came out each morning to teach the drama group and we would spend some time talking til she had to go to work. Then each evening she’d show back up at the camp for some unknown reason. I left Missouri to do another camp in East Tennessee by the time I got home I had a card from Teri Lynne.

From July to October I drove to Missouri once, she came to Alabama once, we both racked up enormous long distance bills {back in the days before free long distance and cell phones} plus countless cards and letters sent via snail mail. There was always something special about going to the mail box and getting a handwritten card. As I read those cards I was trying to evaluate just how this pretty girl felt about me. “Does she really like me or am I like a brother to her?” The last thing I needed in my life was another girl that looked at me like a brother.

The first time I got a card that was signed “Love, Teri Lynne” I was ecstatic. I knew this was a pretty common way of ending a letter but I was holding on to it. It was unnerving to consider stepping out and saying, “I love you” without some idea of how they felt too. You don’t want to say “I love you” to somebody and them reply back with “Thank you.”

In October she moved to Alabama. By this point I had spoken those three words to her and was delighted to hear her respond with, “I love you too.” In November we got engaged. In December we were knee deep in wedding plans.

June 1, 1996 we became husband and wife.

For 20-plus years we’ve saying those simple words to one another. Rare is the time when we don’t end a phone call, text message or leave the house without saying “I love you” to each other.

We’ve learned some big truths about these small words.

Some days love is a choice we make and not a feeling we have. At this point I’m going to let you in on a secret — Teri Lynne isn’t always easy to love. I, on the other hand, am always a perfect delight {insert sarcasm}. Truth is, we are human. We are flawed. Neither of us is perfect and sometimes our I love you’s come through clinched jaws and over gritted teeth. Sometimes we might say it out of obligation and not feeling. But still we chose to say it.

Some days love is a choice we make and not a feeling we have. #MarriagePrayers Share on X

In 1 John 4:7, “love one another” points to the fact that we may have to work at this or that it may not come easy. Not only are we encouraged to love each other but John goes on to give us reasons for doing so.

We all have a deep-seated need to be loved. It’s why I combed through each card Teri Lynne sent, trying to evaluate words and phrases. It was all  an effort to complete the missing piece. True love provides security and acceptance. We have a unique privilege to help complete that need in our spouse’s life.

Our love is much bigger than just the two of us. On June 1, 1996 when we got married we had an audience. Today, twenty years later, we still have one. The truth is, how we choose to love one another doesn’t just impact the two of us. We now have a daughter who is watching us. Churches we have served in have been observing. We have become a part of each other’s families and forged relationships there.

How we love each other doesn't just impact the two of us. #MarriagePrayers Share on X

Our love is a testimony to the love that we’ve experienced through a relationship with Jesus Christ. When we choose to love well it is a reminder to our spouses of the steadfast love of God. It is a testimony to our children, family, friends, and the world of God’s great love.

Our love story didn’t start at a youth camp in Missouri or even at a church altar in Alabama. It goes back to before the moment when God said, “Let there be light.”  All love comes straight from the heart of the Father. How we choose to love each other {not just our spouses} is a direct reflection of how we view the Father’s heart.

Tomorrow will be twenty years since the moment I chose to marry Teri Lynne. Today I still choose to look into her eyes, to hold her hand, and to tell her that I love her. At the end of this day and every one to come, she is still and will always be my choice. And I can tell you with full confidence that I am hers too.

Teri Lynne, I love you!
Thanks for the last twenty years.

~ Scott


Today’s Prayer

#MarriagePrayers || 31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage || Scott & Teri Lynne Underwood

Dear Father, Thank you for the gift of true love. May we daily choose to love our spouse well. May our marriage be beacon reflecting that love which we have received from your heart. May it be a beacon of hope, peace, comfort, joy, endurance and encouragement to all those in our lives. Tomorrow guide us as we chose love again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

#MarriagePrayers: May we daily choose to love our spouse well. (1 John 4:7) Share on X


Thank you for joining us for #MarriagePrayers: 31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage.  Scott and I will be sharing a new verse and prayer every day throughout May, leading up to our 20th anniversary on June 1.  You can find every day’s post indexed here.  We pray you will be encouraged and challenged as you pray God’s Word for your marriage.

#MarriagePrayers || 31 Verses to Pray for Your Marriage || Teri Lynne & Scott Underwood

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Teri Lynne and Scott,

    I have loved reading the Marriage Prayers ever day along with your story. I would like to congratulate you in 20 years of marriage! Thank you for sharing.

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