10 Ways to Help an Author

This may be one of the most challenging and humbling posts I’ve ever written.  Because as much as I love sharing what’s going on in my life and as much fun as it is to share books I’m reading — it feels a little weird to mix those two.

{Which means, there’s a pretty good chance by the end of this post my awkwardness will be on full display. Consider yourself forewarned.}

So many of you have prayed for and encouraged me as I wrote the manuscript for Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most.  In fact, I’ve saved the emails and messages you’ve sent to read again on those days when I am so tired and drained I’m just not sure how to get going.

Lately the two big questions I’ve been asked are — Who is the book for? and How can I help you?

I answered the first question in this post and today I’m tackling the second. Most of my friends aren’t in the writing world. Some of them (gasp!) aren’t even big readers. But time and again over the past few weeks I’ve had people ask me how they can help me spread the word about Praying for Girls. I wasn’t really prepared for the question the first few times I was asked so I (awkwardly) said something like, “Well, it would be really great if you pre-ordered a copy. If you want, of course.”

Y’all — worst answer ever! Because if someone asks how they can help, that means someone really wants to help and I didn’t give them the opportunity. So, I’ve made a list of 10 ways to help an author.

People are asking, "How can I support you with your book?" And I've not had a very good answer until now —— here are 10 ways to help an author.

10 Ways to Help an Author

Pre-order the book.

I know it’s sounds simple. But pre-orders are incredibly valuable to authors. They help publishers gauge how successful the book sales will be. They encourage retailers to stock the book. Pre-orders also helps authors build momentum for their book. {Speaking of, I have a few bonus gifts for those who pre-order Praying for Girls.}

Share about the book on social media.

This week the launch team started sharing images with quotes from the  book. It has been so fun to see those images on different social media! This doesn’t have to be a long blog post or detailed description of the book . It can be as simple as tweeting something like this —

Have you heard about @terilynneu's new book #PrayingForGirls? I can't wait to get my copy. Share on X

{Most authors want to make it easy for you to help this way, so we create ready-made images, tweets, and Facebook status updates for you to save and share. Check out the ones I’ve created for Praying for Girls.}

Mention the book to your  friends.

You can simply mention what you’re reading. Or pay attention to a struggle or need your friends are sharing and then tell them how you think the book would encourage them.

Post images of the book when it arrives or when you see it in a store.

When you receive the book you pre-ordered, take a quick picture and share it on social media.  Or if you’re out and about and see the book on a shelf, snap a photo.  Be sure to tag the author!

Leave a review.

Reviews are a HUGE big deal in publishing. So, one of the best ways you can help an author is by leaving a review on Amazon and other online retailers (like Barnes & Noble, LifeWay, etc.)  Also, reviews on GoodReads are a great way to encourage writers.

Post quotes from the book as you read it.

You know those sentences you underline when you read a great book? How about sharing them on social media? It’s a great way to encourage the author who will be thrilled to hear how their book is resonating with you and it’s a fun way to share about the book with your friends.

Lead a study of the book at your church, with your moms group, or on Facebook.

Maybe you know a group of women who would be encouraged by the message of the book  — invite them to join you in a book club or study.  Maybe you could lead a group through the book at church. Or even on Facebook. {If you lead a group of moms through Praying for Girls, please let me know — I’d love to find a way to encourage your group personally.}

Give the book as a gift.

You know I’ve loved a book when I give a copy to someone else. As you are reading, think about others who might need to hear the message.  Books are great gifts, especially when you share why you chose to give this book.  {I have one friend who only has boys but is already making a list of the girl moms she’ll give copies of Praying for Girls.}

Encourage your local library to carry the book.

This is one you may not ever have considered but suggest this book to your local library.  In fact, you could gift the library a copy. Libraries are a great resource in our communities and librarians are always happy to hear about books that will resonate with their patrons.

Let the author know how the book encouraged or inspired you.

As a writer, nothing makes my day brighter than an email from someone who has read a blog post or article and taken the time to let me know it resonated with them.  If you read a book and it has an impact on you, let author know.  You can send an email or tag them in a social media post. Many writers love words of affirmation — so you can fill our tanks by telling us what you liked about our books.

There you go — 10 ways to help an author.

You don’t have to do them all (but if you want to give it a try, feel free!) but if you do even a couple you can have a huge impact for an author you know!

How do you share about the books you love?

10 Ways to Help an Author. Simple suggestions for encouraging an author and sharing a book. Share on X


Teri Lynne

Oh and if you want to pre-order my book, you can get details about that right here! Here are the current pre-order bonuses …
Pre-order one copy of Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most and receive this printable quote from the book! Pre-order 2 or more copies of Praying for Girls and receive this printable Bible journaling kit.



Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I pre-ordered 3 through Books-a-million before I saw your link. Praying blessings upon the moms and daughters who receive the book.

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