What I’m Reading {July 2017}

So, June and July are mostly about one book in my little world — Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most.  I suppose that sounds a little self-centered, right? But I hope beyond hope by now you know, the reason I wrote and keep telling you about this book is because I’ve been living the truths it contains and they’ve changed me.  And I believe they can change you too!

Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most

“Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most” is Teri Lynne Underwood’s earnest and engaging invitation for moms to join her — not as perfect pray-ers but as humble daughters of the perfect Father, interceding on behalf of the girls they love.

#PrayingForGirls available now for pre-order. prayingforgirlsbook.com
Studio 318 Bethany House Nonfiction

Posted by Prayers for Girls on Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Visit the Praying for Girls website to get information about more and more!

What I’m Reading {July 2017}

What I'm Reading {July 2017} which is actually what I can't wait to read. Books on my shelf and on pre-order.Of course, I’ve been collecting books I haven’t had time to read yet. I guess that means I should have called this post What I’m Wanting to Read … Anyway, here are the books sitting in my TO BE READ stack.  And y’all, there are some I am so excited to start!!

A Family Shaped by Grace: How to Get Along with the People Who Matter Most by Gary Morland

Gary is the father of Emily P. Freeman and Myquillyn Smith, two of my favorite bloggers and authors. This book is his story of overcoming the dysfunction and unhappy family he was raised in and create a nurturing and caring home for his wife and daughters.  I love listening to Gary on the Hope*Writers podcast and can’t wait to read this book.

Doing Busy Better: Enjoying God’s Gifts of Work and Rest by Glynnis Whitwer

I’ve met Glynnis once though I doubt she would remember.  She’s the woman behind all the excellent speakers and training available at She Speaks.  Managing a huge conference as well as the Proverbs 31 devotional blog as well as being author of several books, I’d say Glynnis knows a few things about doing busy better.  And since I don’t believe busy is always bad, I feel sure her book is going to give me even more tips and strategies for maintaining a full life even when I have a full calendar.

The Essential Guide to Prayer: How to Pray with Power & Effectiveness by Dutch Sheets

This book came highly recommended to me by several people and I’m looking forward to having time to savor it once school starts back in early August.  Devoted to the value of intercessory prayer, I expect to be challenged and inspired to pray with even more confidence and boldness for those around me after reading this book.

When Life Falls Apart by Warren W. Wiersbe

I love Wiersbe’s “BE” series and have found his words to be both full of truth and easy-to-understand as I’ve read through many of his books.  When Life Falls Apart is an exploration of suffering. I’ll admit my theology of suffering is not well-developed but I want it to be. Finding true peace in the midst of great sorrow is such an important lesson in life and I want to study this topic not only for me personally but also because of the opportunity I have to encourage others who are in difficult situations.

Also, these are the books I can’t wait to get my hands on this fall …

{Why} Motherhood Matters: An Invitation to Purposeful Parenting by September McCarthy (releasing August 29, 2017)

Y’all! This book releases August 29 and I am so stinkin’ excited about it.  September is the mom of ten and a grandmother.  She has seven daughters (what??) and three sons.  She runs the Raising Generations Today meetups and conference (watch for more about this coming soon!) and is one of the moms I deeply admire for the way she has kept her marriage front and center as she parents. I can. not. wait to read this book and I have no doubt I’m going to say that all of you need to read it too.

Mom Set Free: Find Relief from the Pressure to Get It All Right by Jeannie Cunnion (releasing August 29, 2017)

I first met Jeannie almost two years ago at the dotMOM conference in Nashville. Our mutual friend Courtney connected us before the conference and I am so thankful she did! Jeannie is one of the most genuine and gracious people I know and I’m thankful to call her friend.  She has a heart for moms and a desire to encourage women to give grace not only to others but, maybe even more importantly, to ourselves. Not only has she written this book but she also has a new Bible study by the same name coming out as well.  Be sure I’ll have all of it and you might get sick of hearing about it!

She Is Yours: Trusting God as You Raise the Girl He Gave You by Wynter and Jonathan Pitts (releasing August 29, 2017)

So clearly, August 29 is a big day for books I want to read, right? Wynter and I connected as writers for Mothers of Daughters. I met her last fall at dotMOM (yes, I’m sad the conference isn’t happening anymore because I met some of the most amazing women through it!).  She has a passion for tween girls and is the mom to four daughters including Alena, who has her own book series with FaithGirlz! and was the child star in War Room.  I can’t wait to read what she and her husband Jonathan have to share about raising girls.

Is Jesus Worth It?: Igniting Your Faith When You Feel Like Quitting by Stacey Thacker (releasing September 1, 2017)

It’s no secret that I adore Stacey.  I count her among my dearest friends and I cannot wait for all of us to have the opportunity to get this first book in her Girlfriends’ Guide to the Bible series.  In this book, Stacey will invite us to join her in an exploration of Hebrews and discover the beautiful truth that Jesus is absolutely worth it all.

Gospel Centered Mom: The Freeing Truth about What Your Kids Really Need by Brooke McGlothlin (releasing August 1, 2017)

Brooke’s fourth book for moms is sure to be just as encouraging as the first three.  A fierce advocate for boy moms, Brooke is the co-founder of The MOB (Mothers of Boys) Society and was co-author with Stacey Thacker of the Hope for the Weary Mom book and devotional.  In 2014, she wrote Praying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need Most {sound familiar?}.

So, that’s what I’m reading — or will be reading soon!  Tell me, what’s on your list??

What I'm Reading or maybe better titled what I want to read and some books I can't wait to get! Share on X


Teri Lynne

affiliate links to all books mentioned

Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most

A Family Shaped by Grace || Doing Busy Better || The Essential Guide to Prayer || When Life Falls Apart

{Why} Motherhood Matters || Mom Set Free || She Is Yours || Is Jesus Worth It? || Gospel Centered Mom


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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