Resource Recommendation: (in)courage Devotional Bible

People ask me all the time about Bibles. Usually they ask me what Bible they should get. I know a lot of people have one answer they give to everyone. But when someone asks me, I always have a bunch of questions for them before I can give an answer.

Finding the right Bible for you isn’t always easy. I’ve learned that different Bibles can serve different purposes in different seasons of life. In fact, I’ve discovered, for myself anyway, I use a multiple Bibles almost every day for different reasons.

Last year, a new devotional Bible was released. I had the great privilege of being a contributor to {affiliate} the (in)courage Devotional Bible. And I’m so proud to be a part of it.

(in)courage Devotional Bible

Since I received my copy, I’ve been using it for my daily quiet time and also as my “church Bible.” I love it! Here are a few reasons why:

CSB Translation: I have really grown to love this translation. It’s called “optimal equivilance” and is, in my opinion, the best translation for most people to use on a daily basis. Simply put, optimal equivilance means that over 80% is translated using the more literal verse-by-verse method (like the ESV, NASB, and NKJV). But, where that method would make the text clunky or difficult to understand, the translators used the dynamic equivilance method, which works to make the thought or idea clear (used in the NIV, NLT, and CEV). So, what does that mean for you? Basically, no matter what level of biblical understanding you are at, this Bible is one you will be able to read and study.

Journaling Space: I love journaling Bibles … I have a ton of them! And one of the reasons I love them is they give me space to write out what I’m learning from passages and well as take notes from sermons or add quotes from my other reading. The (in)courage Devotional Bible has space for journaling at the bottom of every page — with lines! Which is great for someone like me who can’t write straight without lines. 🙂

Reading Plans: The devotions included in this Bible trace ten themes from Old Testament to New. Because the devotional writers are from all different seasons and stages of life, the story and experiences shared create a broad view of life which is especially valuable to me in a time when so many devotions and devotional Bibles are focused on one particular season or role.

{Speaking of the reading plans, you can sign up now for the Women of Courage online Bible study (in)courage is doing. The study begins on February 1. All you need to follow along is the (in)courage Devotional Bible. You’ll spend twelve weeks with other women in a special Facebook group digging into three of the themes — Better Together, Friendship on Purpose, and Imperfect Hospitality. SIGN UP HERE!}

Other features: Denise J. Hughes is the editor of the project and she is a dear friend. Her Bible study series, Word Writers, is one I consistently recommend. Denise has written compelling introductions for each book as well as Women of Courage profiles for various women we meet in the Bible. And, I also love the beautiful theme verses highlighted throughout the pages.

I have recommended this Bible to so many women over the past few months and all of them love it! The design is beautiful and the extra features are amazing. If you are looking for a Bible you can easily read and that has space for journaling and excellent resource information, this is definitely my top resource recommendation. I have the blue leather touch Bible and for Christmas Casiday asked for the green cloth one. She’s loving hers also.

And I’m thrilled to be giving away one of these great Bibles to one of my readers! Entering is super easy … just leave a comment and share which of thee features I mentioned above is most appealing to you. Bonus entry for sharing this giveaway on any of the socials just pop back in with another comment to share the link of your post. That’s it … easy peasy!

This giveaway is open through Friday, January 25, at midnight CST. Winner will be notified via email. I’m so thankful for DaySpring’s generosity in sponsoring this email. If you haven’t checked out {affiliate} all the awesomeness on their website, now is a great time to do so!

Have you seen the @incourage Devotional Bible? It's gorgeous and I'm giving one away! Share on X

Okay, comment away!

xoxo, Teri Lynne

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Love that you explained the translation! I usually read several versions at a time and while i lIke the cSb version i never kneW any of that. I really like how it combines the concepts of both ESV & NLT types. Thank you 🙂

  2. WOuld live to reCeive this copy; Of The features, the journaling spAce would be most helpful and intriging to me

  3. The idea that it’s easy to read is what makes me want to try this bible. I’ve never had a journaling one and it’s so hard for me to be okay with writing in my bible but i’m getting better at it.

  4. I have looked at this bible several times and i’m always impressed with It. I love the reading plan feature and the included devotions as i am always looking for anything to take me deeper during my quiet time and bible reading.

  5. I’m so interested in the reading plans. I love having reading plans/Devotionals from various writers from all walks of life.

  6. I am most excited about the Csb translatioN! I love to read different versions to get a better grasp of the verse, and to help my thoughts come into context with the message.

  7. Love the extra space for journaling and the optimal equivAlence translation! Excited to read this new traNslation!!

  8. This sounds lovEly! I especially like being ablE to follow a reading Plan and having the option to journal. In my busy life this is like a breath of fresh air.

  9. This bible looks BEAUTIFUL! I love that you have space to journal in it! The reading plan is a pretty awe bonus roo.


  10. Love this! Right now, the journaling aspect is the most appealing to me, but the whole things sounds wonderful!!

  11. I love the journaling space. I like to take notes on what I have read and this lets me keep EVERYTHING together!

  12. I currently have a CSB transl anD I’m a big Bible journaleR- so if course i love that, but i think being able to join in on tHe online bible study us the most exciting part to me!!

  13. This Bible looks so wonderful. I am most excited about the devotions. I think those will be An incredible addition in helping me to reflect on the BIble readings.

  14. I have started to think about journaling in my bible so that is the part that i think woukd be good for me
    Bonis if it is easier to read with this translation


  16. Let me just start by say i am a mom of 2 lit peOple , so being able to have all The “things” (journal, reading plan, and the word of god) wrapped in 1 bible would be a winner for me!!! This takes away the need for multiple books to have a truE OPPORTUNITY fOr learning, understanding, and process thoughts during Some much needed quiet time

  17. I loVe the space for JoUrnaling. Its time for a new bible so i may end Up ordering one before the give away happens 🙂

  18. I’m interested in the CSB version. I’m also considering it for my daughter since I’ve wondered if she’d like a journaling bible.

  19. Thank you sharing about this Bible! I would defInitely like to try the journaling space. I wanT to leave my thoughts and pictures within When i pass it on to my daughter.

  20. I am like you, I have several translations i use all the time, but haven’t seen this one yet. It looks fantastic, especially with the “extras” and the journaling space. Thank you for giving one of us a chance to win our own copy.

  21. The CSB translation sounds interesting to me, as it’s always intriguing reading different translations. Also, I love that there are reading plans and devotionals throughout, which I find helpful to help guide my quiet time & Bible reading.

  22. I could really use a new bible. Ive heard great things about the translation too! Thanks for sHaring more deTails about the bible, it helps to read a good reView before picking a new one


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