10 Verses of Hope for Hard Times

We've started our fourth week of social distancing, stay-at-home-ing and while parts of all this are starting to feel normal, there are parts that are getting harder. Let's just be honest — this is hard. And none of us was really prepared for how hard it would be. If you're like me, some days you are feeling pretty helpless and maybe even have moments when you feel a little hopeless. It's okay. Here's what I'm finding, even when I don't FEEL hope, I can KNOW hope. Because hope isn't a ... [Read More]

Holy Week Reading Plan

I don't know about you but with all the social distancing and disruption in all my normal routines, I'm struggling to remember what day of the week it is most of the time. But, one of the best things about all this lack of places to go has been time to do things I've wanted to do for the past several years. (Don't get me wrong, our basement still isn't cleaned up and I have lots of work to do in the yard to get it ready for spring, I'm not Wonder Woman. haha!) I have, however, wanted to ... [Read More]


My dad asked me to create a prayer guide for his church through this difficult time and I realized so many of us are unsure what or how to pray. Below you will find ten prayers with Scriptures you can use. If you are a pastor or other ministry leader — or just someone who wants to encourage others to pray — feel free to download this file and share! Sometimes we just aren’t sure what or how to pray. We need someone to help us begin. That’s what these prayers are—a starting point. We ... [Read More]

Why Is Giving Ourselves Space in between Studies Valuable?

Last week I shared a few ideas about what we can do when we are in between Bible studies or reading plans. Here's a quick recap: Review what you've previously studied.Work on a study you never finished.Read Proverbs.Meditate on a specific verse or passage.Memorize a verse or two. I mentioned that I believe giving ourself space in between studies is important and that it is a key part of how we plan in Scripture Dig. Today, though, I want to share the WHY behind this recommendation. I ... [Read More]

What Should I Do in between Bible Studies or Reading Plans?

What should I do when I'm in between Bible studies or reading plans? We can feel a little discombobulated when we don't have a plan, right? Especially when it comes to spending time in the Word. We like to have a plan in place (even when we get behind, we still like to know it's there!). But what about when we are in between plans or studies? What should we do then? For the record, I think it's super important NOT to go from one study or plan immediately into the next one. So, we'll make ... [Read More]

Kanye’s Sunday Service + Making Jesus’ Name Known

Of all the things I ever dreamed I would be writing about in 2020, this one never even crossed my mind. But here I am, on a quiet Tuesday morning, tapping out words about what I saw and experienced Strength to Stand this weekend. Scott and I took eight of the girls from our church to Scott Dawson's winter conference over MLK weekend. It was their second year to attend and they love it. If you've never been in a room with thousands of students engaged in worship, it's an incredible experience. ... [Read More]