Life Lessons I Hope I’m Teaching

This is my girl.  I adore her!  And she's growing up way too fast.  Eighth grade begins Monday. I've been thinking a lot about how fast time flies and how soon she will be leaving our home to begin a life of her own.  What have I taught her?  What has she taught me?   Today, at the Allume blog, I'm sharing the most important lessons I hope she learns from me. Will you join me there?  I'd love to hear from you about what lessons your want to teach with your life ... ... [Read More]

Motherhood Requires Sisterhood {why we can’t do this alone}

"Don't take it personally," my wise friend told me.  We'd been talking about the challenges of parenting teenagers and I was picking her brain since her girls are older than my own. "You've taught her well.  Trust that," said the mom I called when I was terrified I'd failed in spiritually training my daughter. Here's the deal: we need each other!  Motherhood is a full contact sport and it demands more than we ever have to give.   Join me today on the Allume blog and let's chat about why ... [Read More]

Pre-Conference Jitters

In a few weeks I'll be heading back to Harrisburg, PA, for the Allume (formerly Relevant) conference.  It's a delightful weekend of catching up with my blogging buddies who have become the soul-sister kind of friends ... and an opportunity to grow as both a writer and a believer.  This is my third year to attend and I have loved it every time. This year I'll be helping out at the Avodah Coffee table.  Have I mentioned how much I love the Avodah Blend?  Oh my word ... best. coffee. ever.  Thanks ... [Read More]