"Lord, may the words in this book change the next generation." I choked back the sob threatening to push its way out of my throat. Around the room, women murmured, "Yes, Lord," and everything in me wanted to fall on my knees. These women, gathered in the prayer room at our church— the same room where we have prayed for marriages to be saved, for bodies to be healed, for souls to be saved—now stood circled around the Praying for Girls final edits, praying for God to use the words to change ... [Read More]
Grace Is Greater {and why that matters}
Grace Is Greater. Kyle Idleman's newest book is powerful and convicting in much the same way as Pete Wilson's book, Let Hope In. In fact, though it's only March, I'm ready to say if you are only going to read one book besides the Bible this year, this is the one! {Which should tell you something about how much I loved it since I have my own first book releasing in July of this year.} GRACE IS GREATER {and why that matters} If you read Idleman's book, Not a Fan, you are familiar with ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading {January 2017}
This is probably one of my favorite types of posts to write because I love to share what I'm reading. If we met for coffee and I got there before you, you wouldn't walk in and see me on my phone, you'd see me holding a book {or maybe my Kindle}. I always have a book in my bag. And there are always stacks of books marking where I'm sitting. I desperately want to keep a running list of what I've finished but, well, it's been a few years since I was successful at that. However, I am working ... [Read More]
{Book Review} Listen Love Repeat by Karen Ehman
Have you ever read a couple of lines in a book and had to stop because the words resonated so deeply within you that you needed time to stop and allow them to sink in and soak in and expand. Four years ago, I read a book by Karen Ehman titled Let. It. Go. It rocked my world. Seriously. Two years ago, I was honored to endorse her next book, Keep. It. Shut. Another awesome book. But her latest, Listen, Love, Repeat: Other-Centered Living in a Self-Centered World, is even better. By the time ... [Read More]
Have You Ever Felt Fresh Out of Amazing?
I remember the first time I read Stacey's confession ... her words painted a picture of exactly how I felt! Lord, I feel like I need to be amazing. The trouble is, I'm fresh out of amazing. Honestly, it rings as true today as it did almost five years ago. Monday, I sent an email to the Prayers for Girls subscribers. This was the first paragraph: I wanted to start this email all peppy and enthusiastic but the truth is, I am exhausted. Not just physically tired ... but in every way drained. ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading {September 2016}
Y'all, my book stack is HUGE. Seriously. But so many of my friends are writing so many great books ... and I want to tell you all about all of them. But then all I'd be talking about is books and while I love books, I also have other things I want to share with you so these posts are my way of giving you information about what I'm reading and what books I think you'd love. {Also, that was seriously a crazy run-on sentence. ha!} So, here the books I'm working my way through in September. {The ... [Read More]