We Have Abundance not Scarcity

Welcome to day 2 of 31 Simple Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Since it's Sunday, I won't be writing a long post but I do want to encourage you with a verse of Scripture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 This verse holds a special meaning to me because it reminds me of an important truth related to lopsided living — God has called me to a life of abundance not scarcity! In the garden, Satan directed ... [Read More]

How Do We Experience Life to the Full?

  So what is this abundant life—life to the full—Jesus promises? The word used here for life is “zoe.” One of my lexical aids described this life as “the very life of God, of which believers are made partakers.” We are partakers of the very life of God! And not just life, but He offers us this life to the full. Abundantly. Over and above, more than enough. Jesus came so that we would be able to live the fullest, most abundant, crazy over and above, more than enough lives. What ... [Read More]

life to the full or a full life?

We get so busy trying to find the best way to manage our time and to accomplish our goals so we can have full lives. I know, I do it. I've chased it and I've got the Pinterest boards to show for my search. But what if, God's desire for us isn't full lives ... what if we took seriously Jesus' words in John 10:10, "I've come that they {YOU!!} may have life to the full." But what does that mean? What does life to the full look like? Here's what I'm thinking ... what the Lord is speaking into ... [Read More]