Does anyone remember the old time flannel boards from Sunday school of yore? (I've always wanted to use that word—yore—and I finally did! #smallgoals haha!) So low tech but, man, they were so cool. Almost all my early memories of time spent in church involve carefully arranging pieces of stories like Joseph and his colored robe or Jesus feeding the 5000 onto big boards, green flannel on bottom, blue on top. I didn't know it at the time but those stories were being etched into my heart and mind ... [Read More]
How to Develop a Consistent Quiet Time Once and For All
"I just can't get it going. I know it's important. I really do. But I just can't maintain a consistent quiet time. I get bored or I oversleep or I fall asleep before I can do it at night. I give up." I sat there with my friend, trying to come up with something to say. I knew what she meant. I've felt those same things, had those same thoughts. I've even given up a time or two myself. If you've been in church or women's Bible study for very long, you've heard the admonishments and ... [Read More]
My New Journaling Bible || HCSB Illustrator’s Notetaking Bible
So, I have a new journaling Bible. Yes, this makes three. Whatev. :) I use my journaling Bibles in different ways and I have loved experimenting with techniques and tools. I love the way I can slow down and meditate on a passage or idea or even a word as I create on the pages of my Bible. It has become a very important part of my time in the Word. And I've also loved the challenge of learning new ways to illustrate what God is showing me. I am a pretty good hand letterer ... but, y'all, I ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading August 2016
So, before we get to the books I'm reading ... can I tell you my big news? I'm writing a book! In May I signed a contract with Bethany House Publishers to write Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most. Y'all, for real, I can't even explain how excited I am! You can read all the details over on the Prayers for Girls blog. And speaking of Prayers for Girls, are you a girl mom? {or aunt or grandmother or teacher ...} We'd love to have you join us over there for ... [Read More]
Looking at Ourselves through the True Lens
Last week I had to get my headshots updated. Can I tell you how much I *hate* doing that? All I can see in photos of myself is chipmunk cheeks and the way my stomach pooches out so I look a little bit pregnant {which I assure you I am not!}. Scott was doing the photos and all I could think was, "Keep your stomach sucked in, girlfriend!" Later that night as he began showing me the 200ish photos he'd taken, all I could see was my too big nose and not flat tummy. Every flaw seemed magnified by ... [Read More]
A Peek at My Journaling Bibles
Can I preface this whole post with the fact that I know there are countless people in Instagram-land who are far more artistic and creative than I am? And that some days all the beautiful pages in their journaling Bibles just flat out intimidate me to the point I don't share my own? Also, I don't share a lot of my pictures because I don't really know how to reply when I've written about what God is showing me and people compliment my handwriting. But I've been wanting to tell you more ... [Read More]