What’s Your WHY? Living Your Priorities this Christmas

Our family calendar for the next few weeks looks basically like a pack of Bic pens blew up. Places we are supposed to be. Practices we are supposed to attend. Parties we are supposed to host. People we are supposed to see. Supposed. That's such a guilt-inducing word, right? Sort of like "should" and "ought." In my mind, every sentence that includes one of those three words is followed by a sentence beginning with, "But ..." And, honestly, because of the blend of my people-pleasing ... [Read More]

{Book Review} Listen Love Repeat by Karen Ehman

Have you ever read a couple of lines in a book and had to stop because the words resonated so deeply within you that you needed time to stop and allow them to sink in and soak in and expand. Four years ago, I read a book by Karen Ehman titled Let. It. Go. It rocked my world. Seriously. Two years ago, I was honored to endorse her next book, Keep. It. Shut. Another awesome book. But her latest, Listen, Love, Repeat: Other-Centered Living in a Self-Centered World, is even better. By the time ... [Read More]

Take Care of Yourself

Welcome to Day 19 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! This is the post where I tell you to do what I say, not what I do. Because, honestly, I am awful at this. Especially right now when I'm frantically working to finish my manuscript. I told a friend last night, "I'm basically running on coffee and chocolate." The worst part is, this was in a conversation we were having about going to the gym. So, yeah, seriously, I'm not here to judge or lecture. But I can't really write about living ... [Read More]

Busy Isn’t Always Bad

Welcome to Day 17 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! The posts for today and tomorrow are where I am right now. But they are also where so many women I know are as well.  It's called: BUSY. I recently said you to a friend I feel like I live at the intersection of Hectic Road and Frantic Avenue. Maybe you do too? Just over a year ago, I wrote a post titled Busy Women Welcome Here. Why? Because it seems like, especially in Christian circles, there are a whole lot of blog posts and books ... [Read More]

Living Sacrifices

Welcome to Day 16 of 31 Ways to Embrace Living Lopsided! On Sundays we are taking time to meditate on a specific verse or passage and understand how it helps us live abundantly and with intention. Today's verse is one of my favorites:  I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1 Lopsided Living Reminds Us We Are Called to Be Living Sacrifices That ... [Read More]

Be Inspired!

Welcome to Day 15 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Sometimes, we get so busy doing all the stuff we need to do to make it through the day, we neglect about our soul needs. The past few weeks we've been running at a frantic pace here in the Underwood house and, the truth is, it isn't really going to slow down until after the holiday season ends. So what can we do to give ourselves those soul breaks we need? Lopsided Living invites us to be inspired! Being inspired looks different for ... [Read More]