Grace Is for Everyone — even yourself!

Welcome to Day 29 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! It's our last Saturday together. Man, I hope you've been encouraged. I keep thinking about how this information probably isn't stuff you've never heard before but also that sometimes it just takes hearing it in a new way or at the right time for it to sink in. That's what I'm praying for all of us — that we will let this truth about the abundant life to the full God has for us sink in deep and change everything about us and our ... [Read More]

Two Lists You REALLY Need

Welcome to Day 28 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! I've learned a lot since I first started practicing this idea of Lopsided Living almost ten years ago. And one thing I know for certain — I often experience times of great success in living life this way and there have been seasons when I have known nothing but epic failure. Why am I telling you this? I mean, you're reading because you want to know this is doable and you can actually have the abundant life God offers every day, right? ... [Read More]

Enlist Help

Welcome to Day 27 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! I love talking about community and how we need each other. This week we've been covering some important truths: People are always our priority. We need to be encouragers (and it doesn't have to be hard). Building community and enjoying our relationships with others is valuable. Today, though, we move into some tough territory. We've covered it briefly before ... but I gave you options and so you may well have chosen something ... [Read More]

Enjoy Community

Welcome to Day 26 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Only five posts left in this series after today. I am praying you have been encouraged, inspired, challenged, and equipped by all the ground we've covered. I know it's been a lot. Don't forget every post is indexed and you can always come back and read them again. So, yesterday we talked about how important it is for us to encourage others. Did you do it? How did it impact you? Funny, isn't it, how when we set out to bless someone else ... [Read More]

Encourage Someone

Welcome to Day 25 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Today's post is all about something I always MEAN to do ... but often fail to accomplish. It's one of those things that makes its way to my "to do" list every week and then gets bumped to the next week's list. I know it's important. I know it matters. And I love it when people do it for me. But somehow, in the middle of writing, laundry, and assuring the dog he doesn't have to bark at every little sound, this is often what remains ... [Read More]

People Are the Priority!

Welcome to Day 24 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Several years ago I ran across this quote from author Anna Quindlen, “The great motherhood friendships are the ones in which two women can admit how difficult mothering is quietly to each other, over cups of tea at a sticky table with spilled apple juice and littered with markers without tops.” It was one of those sentences that seeped into my mind and heart, so rich in truth. We mommas need people to gather at our sticky ... [Read More]