The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].John 10:10 AMP I find myself returning to this verse time and again because it reminds me of a vital truth for believers — God has called us to a life of abundance not scarcity! From the very beginning our enemy has wanted us to believe that God is not telling us the truth, that He doesn't really love us, that He doesn't really ... [Read More]
My One Rule for Quarantine
When Casiday was little I always told her she only had one rule — obey. As long as she obeyed us, she would be doing what she was expected to do. It simplified things a lot also. The one rule was the name no matter where she was. At church, obey the leaders. At school, obey the teachers. Visiting family, obey the adults. Basically, that was the only rule she had for most of her childhood. Obey. I've been thinking about that one rule idea a lot now that we're in week five of social ... [Read More]
The 4 Ps of Lopsided Living during the Holidays
Hey friend! I'm so glad you are here and I can't wait to share some thoughts about one of my favorite topics as it relates to one of my favorite times of year. About ten years ago, I realized all the talk about finding balance in our lives didn't sit well with me. And the more I considered why that was, I began to recognize that the times in my life when I've been most content and most certain I was doing exactly what God had called me to were seasons when I was definitely NOT living the ... [Read More]
6 Keys to Thriving in the Hard Seasons
Financial crisis. Health issues. Relationship struggles. Hard seasons come for all of us. And sometimes it just feels like we're never going to make it. I've been there ... and there's a good chance I'll be there again at some point. Life is full of hard days, difficult seasons. Sometimes we can see them coming. We can brace ourselves for the storm. But other times, we're blindsided, caught totally unaware. We know we'll survive ... it's not that we think the storms will completely ... [Read More]
10 Tips for Living a Full Life Even with a Full Calendar
Hey friends! It feels like it's been ages since I wrote anything here ... but maybe that is just because I've been knee deep in REFRESH planning and doing. I can't even begin to put into words what it was like to see a dream God placed deep in my heart come to fruition — 90 women sitting around tables with Bibles open, spending a day studying Colossians. It was so beautiful. I'm sure I'll write more about it when I reach the point I can even think about it without crying. We're already working ... [Read More]
Book Review: Why Her? by Nicki Koziarz
So one of my favorite parts of this writing/blogging thing is the opportunity to review books. It's a great gig — publishers send you free books and you get to tell the world what you think. A few months ago, I requested a book I'd been wanting to read, Why Her? 6 Truths We Need to Hear When Measuring Up Leaves Us Falling Behind. The book arrived from the lovely folks at B&H Publishing a few days later and I anxiously opened it up to start reading. I made it to page twelve before I ... [Read More]
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