#MarriagePrayers: Luke 21:4

"For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” — Luke 21:4 ********** We were at Cracker Barrel eating. Our server was great — the above and beyond kind of great where you feel like you've made a new friend. As we left I asked Scott if he'd given her a really good tip.  He smiled and handed me the receipt. He had tipped her the full amount of our dinner. We were headed to the beach one hot summer day when we lived in south ... [Read More]

Praying Scripture for our Daughters and our Marriages

Praying Scripture is powerful!! I suppose it's not a big secret how much I love the Word of God. I've been seriously studying and teaching the Bible for the past twenty years. My ongoing prayer is that God will give me greater passion for His Word and a greater ability to communicate the truths it contains to others. And, I suppose that makes it not a big surprise I want my girl to have that same passion for Scripture. In May, the prayer calendar for Prayers for Girls is focused on a deep ... [Read More]

Praying for You

And so, this is it ... my final scheduled post for 2010. I'll be taking the next three weeks to enjoy the holidays and do some traveling.  January is looking very slow on our family's calendar and very exciting on my blogging calendar!  I cannot wait to share with you the truths God has been working out in my heart over the past weeks. As I write this, I know that I'll probably pop back in at least a time or two to share some verse or thought or song that has touched my heart.   {I like to do ... [Read More]