Saying Yes and No in 2020

If you're like me, goals and plans are a huge part of the beginning of every new year. There is something about turning the calendar to January that motivates us to think about where we are, where we've been, and where we'd like to go. My word for this year is SMALL. If I'm honest, it's not the word I wanted. But over and over again during the past few weeks God has brought this word to my attention. And so, here I sit, in January 2020, with a desire to embrace smallness. I don't know all ... [Read More]

Are You Exhausted? {the why and how of a day of rest}

Are you exhausted? It's okay if you are. Really. Because let's face it, there are days (or even weeks) when we are beyond tired. And we can either ignore it or admit it. I, for one, firmly believe admitting it is the first step toward establishing a better plan for next time. And, if we're really honest, we want to figure out how to avoid ending up in this place again, right? If we wish to have a weekday of rest, it will no longer happen as a societal default. It will happen only as a ... [Read More]

Two Lists You REALLY Need

Welcome to Day 28 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! I've learned a lot since I first started practicing this idea of Lopsided Living almost ten years ago. And one thing I know for certain — I often experience times of great success in living life this way and there have been seasons when I have known nothing but epic failure. Why am I telling you this? I mean, you're reading because you want to know this is doable and you can actually have the abundant life God offers every day, right? ... [Read More]

People Are the Priority!

Welcome to Day 24 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Several years ago I ran across this quote from author Anna Quindlen, “The great motherhood friendships are the ones in which two women can admit how difficult mothering is quietly to each other, over cups of tea at a sticky table with spilled apple juice and littered with markers without tops.” It was one of those sentences that seeped into my mind and heart, so rich in truth. We mommas need people to gather at our sticky ... [Read More]

Lopsided Living Requires Loving God Most

WELCOME TO DAY THREE OF 31 SIMPLE WAYS TO EMBRACE LOPSIDED LIVING! I'm sure today's post seems like a no brainer. But here's the thing ... we KNOW we need to love God most but how to do it when our calendars and schedules are overflowing. Think about your everyday life. What are the challenges you face in having a consistent quiet time? What are the struggles you have with maintaining a heart that loves the way Christ did? Here are a few of the ways I can get sidetracked from loving God ... [Read More]

Lopsided Living: A Better Way to a Fuller Life

Hi! Welcome to day one of 31 Simple Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! I bet you have some questions about this whole Lopsided Living thing, right? Maybe you saw the video or read this or someone share a post about it on Facebook ... or maybe you just saw the title in the linky on the Write 31 Days website and thought, "Hey! That looks interesting!" No matter how you got here, I first want to say THANK YOU. I know how many choices you had and it is a gift to me that you chose to stop here. ... [Read More]