{ABIDE Day 3} 10 Ways to Intentionally Slow Down

Well, y'all, we've made it to the third day of ABIDE.  So far we've looked at two steps for learning what it is to abide in Christ. Acknowledge Him First Bring Burdens to Him We've covered how important it is to commit to daily time in the Word and 3 truths we need in order to lay our burdens down with the Lord.  Today's step is going to be hard for all us busy people. In fact, you are probably going to think I'm crazy ... but don't click away just yet. Remember, I've got the crazy calendar ... [Read More]

Learning to Listen

In March I was saying, "If we can just get through April, then we will have some space to breathe."  But May brought with it the chaos of end-of-school and final exams and one more show choir production and cheerleading fittings and graduation and parties ... and then it was June.  Really?  June, already?  Wasn't it just yesterday I was finding a new longing to listen, to learn the practice of stillness?  And now, it's June.  2013 is nearing the halfway point. This past weekend Scott and I ... [Read More]

The Practice of Stillness

Usually, when the distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we eliminate is the thing we need the most: quiet, reflective time. Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy Is your world noisy?  Between the people, the gadgets, and the never-ending cacophony of social media and 24-hour news, the quest for quiet in the modern mom's life can seem more difficult than solving the national debt crisis.   And while we may recognize our need for other disciplines, like study or ... [Read More]

Have Yourself a {Mary} Little Christmas – Introduction

Not all women are Marthas, but even women who aren't generally become Marthas at Christmas.  How else would Christmas get done if it weren't for us. ~ Brenda Poinsett Gift-buying. Menu-making. Present-wrapping. Cookie-baking. House-decorating.  Tree-trimming.  Party-hosting.  Photo-taking.  No-sleeping. It's the most wonderful time of the year!   And the most exhausting. Whether we busy ourselves with Jesse Trees and Advent wreaths or Santa Claus and The Nutcracker Suite or some combination of ... [Read More]

{Joy Day 13} God Who Works in You

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:12-13, emphasis added This might be the most joyous phrase in Scripture:  God who works in you {me}.   Every morning I make my to do list and every evening I realize all I didn't accomplish ... as a wife, a mom, a friend, a teacher, a ... [Read More]