The past week has been full … really full! From December 4th through the 12th, the girl has performed at our church’s White Christmas festival, danced in The Nutcracker, and sung in the children’s choir musical. To say it has been busy would be an understatement … but the utter joy I find in watching her learn to use her gifts to bring honor to the Lord is immeasurable. From dancing to drama, singing to signing, our girl is finding that every thing we do is an opportunity for worship.
Watching her and helping her and celebrating with her … there is a depth of peace and contentment in seeing her joy that has reminded me time and again how much the Father delights in seeing my joy as I offer my gifts to Him.
Celebrating the offering up of living sacrifices{Hebrews 12:1} … bodies in worship:
{#74 -87}
- dress rehearsals that go smoothly
- McDonald’s sweet tea {that helps make the dress rehearsals go smoothly!}
- prayers before performances
- dance as prayer
- children worshiping through song and dance
- sharing a secret giggle in the midst of the chaos
- watching the dances from the wings of the stage
- hugging the girls – big and small – as they exit
- reminding of lines and giving “thumbs up” when they remember
- giving permission for eye rolls, just this once, so the character comes to life
- 50+ pictures of goofy girls on the way to the cast after-party
- listening to senior dancers encourage younger ones
- kind compliments of others about my sweet girl
- Taco Bell on Sunday afternoon – just us girls
She looks like she was having the time of her life! What a sweetie!
Love the smiles! Makes the busy week worth it I’m sure!
Sandra recently posted…Click Over!
Kiddo would love to do stuff like that, but he’s so afraid of getting stage fright that he never does anything he’d like to! I have told him that God has gifted him with several talents and he needs to use them to bring glory to Him. It’s why God gave him the gifts in the first place! Maybe he will listen to my husband and me more next semester.
I’m so thankful that even now your sweet girl is using her talents for Him! She will look back on these years with many happy memories!
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