Someone Has to Die

Ash Wednesday …. the beginning of Lent.

My plans included a post on simplicity and the beginning of my 40 bags in 40 days project.  The puppy has an appointment at the vet.  I’m going to lunch with a friend.  There’s some laundry and dishes in the sink.

And my plans included prayer … confession, preparation, praise, and wonder.

  • Wonder at the God who became flesh.
  • Wonder at the ugly beauty of the Cross.
  • Wonder at the grace that is truly greater than all my sin.
  • Wonder at the gift of relationship with the Creator of all.
  • Wonder at the God who sees me, who knows me.

But last night I added another prayer …

At noon {central time} our niece, Greer, will be undergoing major heart surgery.    The doctors will be placing the VAD {ventricular assist device} that will *prayerfully* help her until she is able to have a heart transplant.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what that heart transplant means … Someone else will die enabling Greer to live. How thankful I am that just a few months ago, Greer realized that she needed Someone to die so she could live.  We ALL need that.

I’ve been thinking a lot about that family … the one who will give the heart  that will become Greer’s.   I am immeasurably thankful for them.   Even now, I’ve been praying for them … for the loss they will experience, the grief they will face, and desperately praying that they know the God of Life.

The Underwoods, Summer 2010

Will you join me in praying for Greer and her parents {Greg and Dawn}, her five-year-old brother {Bauer}, and all of our family and Dawn’s family … today will undoubtedly be a very long day.

Dawn has been claiming these verses from Psalm 66 during this process:

For You, O God, tested us, You refined us like silver.  You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs.  You let men ride over our heads; We went through fire and water; But You brought us to a place of abundance.  {verses 10-12, NIV}

We are praying for that place of abundance … and trusting that this test, this refining, will be used mightily for the Kingdom of God.

Thank you for your prayers,

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I do join you in prayer. I pray that verse over this family. Thank you for sharing the prayer request and allowing me to join with your hearts in witnessing this miracle that is about to take place.

  2. The other day as I was praying for Greer, this same thought hit me…someone will have to die in order for Greer to live. And I started sobbing. As I was praying for a heart for Greer, I felt like I was praying for someone else to die. In my mind, a child, at that! That’s when it hit me that we can’t understand it all and that’s why it’s in the Father’s hands…so, in the end…my prayer was, “Your will be done, Lord!”
    Heathahlee recently posted…Beautiful JesusMy Profile

  3. What an adorable family. How heartbreaking for a child to go through this.

    Glad I stopped by. I’m practicing Lent this year for the first time and it’s a strengthening experience. I really like your idea of a bag a day out of the house. I wish I had thought of that years ago. Right now we are in a tiny apartment with only what we need. Our things are packed neatly into storage. That’s how I’ve been living for two years. The stuff? We never really needed it, even though I do miss the family heirlooms.
    Cassandra Frear recently posted…Dog Hobble- Just for FunMy Profile

  4. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

    Personal growth is always a truth encounter!
    Cassandra Frear recently posted…Dog Hobble- Just for FunMy Profile

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