
Time and again in Scripture we’re exhorted, “Do not fear.”   One quick search for “be not afraid” led to 54 verses in the Bible with that phrase.   We know we’re not supposed to be anxious or worry.  We’ve heard time again about our spirit of power not timidity.

But, if I’m really honest … sometimes I am afraid, fearful.

  • that I’m not enough
  • that I’ll fail
  • that I lack faith
  • that I’m messing this whole “Christian” thing up

It’s not just in faith matters that I find myself fearful.  Somehow fear has infiltrated almost every part of my heart and mind.

  • Am I a good mom?
  • Is my marriage really strong?
  • What kind of friend am I?
  • Is my writing any good at all?

And perhaps the biggest question of fear I face …

What if people really knew me? Would they loathe the blackness of my sinful heart and quickly walk away?  Would they be disappointed that most days I barely scratch the surface of faith?   That sometimes I speak and write and pray not from confidence but from weariness?   Would they turn and run from the reality that I struggle every single day and wonder if I’ve done anything of value for my family, for Christ?

There are days when my fears cripple me. Days when I have nothing to write, nothing to say, and find myself unable to pray.   Days when I long to close the curtains, shut off the lights, and hide.   Days when the demands of people and promises and tasks and “to do” lists overwhelm me.

Maybe you’ve been there.   Maybe you are there now.  Maybe you know someone who might be feeling this same way.

Will you whisper this to yourself or to your friend …

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”

Hebrews 11:1 ASV

When we’re afraid but we keep going.  When we have no words but we keep praying.  We we want to shut out the world but we invite others in.  When we lay down our lists and pick up His Word.   When we allow our overwhelming lives to be overshadowed by the love of the Father.   When we can’t see the end but we know He’s there.   When our circumstances don’t make sense but we know He’s in control.   When our fears and failures taunt us but we choose to believe in our Faithful God … we walk by faith, not by sight.

We don’t need to feel confident … we choose to believe He is sufficient.

We don’t need to feel powerful … we choose to rest in His power.

We don’t need to see what is ahead … we choose to believe He will complete what He has begun.

When my girl was about three, she kept waking up at night saying she was afraid.   Together we learned a simple verse that she could say to remind herself of God’s presence in the midst of her fear.  Perhaps it’s a verse that you need to learn as well.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.  Psalm 56:3 ESV

We will all face times of fear and doubt and uncertainty.   Moments of wondering if our faith is enough will come to each of us.   The question is,  What will you do when fear comes to you?

How have you learned to walk in faith during the hard times of life?

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Wow! Thank you for your words this morning. God’s Word is so powerful and I am blessed by how He used you as His vessel this morning. Prayers for your journey. With Joy, Carey
    Carey Bailey recently posted…Second WindMy Profile


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