I’ve shared about my desire to move past “the unholy smear” and to s.l.o.w. I’ve been reading and studying what the Bible teaches about rest, stillness, slowing. I’ve been reading status updates and tweets {including my own} with busy, fast, rushing at the core. I’ve heard from friends and family of exhaustion, weariness, and frustration with the manic lifestyle common to our culture.
I’m reading about several books right now about rest and Sabbath and contentment. I’m digging deep into Scriptures about stillness and silence and the command to Sabbath rest.
Maybe, you’re weary too. Maybe you’re wondering how to get off the merry-go-round. Maybe you’re realizing that busy isn’t always better and fast isn’t always productive. This Monday, July 18, I’ll begin a two-week series called Slow … Understanding Biblical Rest. I’m not claiming expertise or even promising to answer all the questions I’ve been pondering, but I can assure you that we’ll look at what the Bible teaches and how to begin taking small steps toward slowing.
Will you join me? Make sure you don’t miss a post in this series by subscribing – in your reader or by email. Let’s s.l.o.w. together.
Very excited about this new series! I really need to slow down and enjoy the simple moments. 🙂