National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2013: Take Action

human trafficking awareness day 2013

In the midst of all the talk of dreams and listening and stillness, it can be easy for me to get caught up in my own pursuits, my own goals and desires, my own life and fail to remember the very real tragedies and heartache facing people all around me.   One of the most challenging aspects of discipleship for me is finding that balance between growing deep and living wide.   I want my foundation in the Word and in relationship with the Lord to be deep.  But I want to live wide and spread out for the sake of the Gospel and the love of God.

If you’ve been reading here for very long at all you know how much I believe in doing ministry.  I love sharing ideas for making a difference in your community.  Each month I love visiting the nursing home and working at a free medical clinic.  Sometimes I find myself living wide in other ways … buying a goat, for example.  Or maybe carrying a beautiful bag.   Every choice we make has the potential to impact others.  A friend of mine recently posted this verse on her Facebook wall,

The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.  Proverbs 10:11

Our words matter … and so do our actions.  We have this amazing privilege to share the life and hope and freedom of Christ’s love with others.

Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

There are more than 30 million slaves in the world today, more than at any other point in human history. (source)


I can’t even fathom that number.  And, to be honest, it completely overwhelms me.  I have no idea how to wrap my head around the idea that every day countless people, created in the image of God, are bought and sold.  My heart aches at the very idea.  But just because I can’t understand or comprehend the magnitude of the problem does not give me the freedom to ignore it.

As I look at my beautiful 12-year-old daughter, with her boundless energy and enthusiasm for life, I cannot escape the reality that at least 50,000 women and children from over 49 countries are trafficked into the United States every year. (source)

I may not be able to solve the problem by myself.  But I can be part of helping others work together to make a difference.  Here are just a few of the many ways we can all be a part of the solution.

  1. Buy a bag {or two or three!} from Freeset.  This is a ministry dear to my heart.  {I’m praying that within the next few years, my daughter and I will be able to travel to India to see this ministry firsthand.} Another great ministry you can support is Women at Risk, International.
  2. Donate to organizations like Not For Sale.
  3. Educate yourself and share what you learn with others.  I have found SlaveryMap to be very eye-opening.  There have been 3 documented cases of human trafficking within 2 hours of my home.  We need to know the truth about this horrifying business.  This is BIG business—over $15 BILLION annually. (source)
  4. Find out how you can be a part of making a difference in your area.  I recently learned the Missouri Baptist Convention has opened a facility to rescue victims of human trafficking.  {I am hoping to be able to visit this facility later this year while I am in Missouri to see my parents.}  Perhaps your church denomination or another organization in your area is doing something as well.
  5. PRAY.  For the victims, for their families, for those who are helping … our prayers are valuable and the power of prayer should never be underestimated.

Today, I’m asking you to take action.  Share this post on Facebook or Twitter.  Tell others what you have learned.  We cannot ignore this tragedy.  Pray and then act!

image source: Can Stock Photo

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Through reading a couple of books about Abraham Lincoln and then seeing the movie, I have been more aware of the slavery issue in our country’s history, or so I thought. Your post today was eye-opening. The fact that our country fought to rid itself of slavery over 200 years ago and yet it is still so rampant today is appalling. Thank you for creating increased awareness! I am praying about my part in this too.
    Kari Scare recently posted…AmplifyMy Profile

    • Thank you, Kari. This is an issue that has become very close to my heart … I believe God has given us this amazing opportunity in our generation to be part of His plan to free the captives & break the bonds of oppression!

  2. GREAT post, sweet friend!! Dear to my heart as well :). Really good info you have listed here that makes us all stop and think about the gifts we have been given, and ways we can use them to change the world!!


  1. […] As much as I’d like to ignore all of this and stay wrapped up in my safe little southern cocoon, I can’t.  Because I know there are documented cases of human trafficking within two hours of my small town Southern home.  Because I know this is real and there are real ways we can make a difference. […]

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