I’ve been writing a lot {okay, mostly}about parenting lately. There are several reasons for that but the main one is, right now, it’s just hard. I think I might have mentioned before how much more challenging parenting a teenager is than I’d ever dreamed. And I’m not alone. I get phone calls and texts and emails almost every day from friends who are trying to navigate these tricky waters without going under and without losing their kids {and their minds!} to the riptides that keep popping up.
My quiet time lately has been 3/4 parenting-centered of late. I’m reading books that remind me what I need to be focusing on: her heart!
I thought I’d share with you some of my go-to books when the swells of parenting threaten to push me under. Of course, the primary one is my Bible. I’m reading and re-reading all sorts of passages about moms, good and bad, as well as Scriptures addressing the role of a mom and what the Lord expects from me.
But beyond that, I’m also losing myself in the pages of wise men and women who have paddled through these often murky waters. Here are ten of my favorites {in no particular order}. ** these are affiliate links **
- Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls by Gary L. Thomas
{this is an annual read for me. seriously, my favorite of all books on parenting because it pushes me back to my own relationship with the Lord.}
- The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
{my favorite book for praying over my daughter.}
- Growing Great Kids: Partner with God to cultivate His purpose in your child’s life by Kate Battistelli
{besides the fact that Kate is absolutely amazing and she is a source of incredible encouragement in my life, this book is just wonderful. if you are looking for a tool to help you nurture your child’s purpose and giftedness, this is it!}
- Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
{this one sat on my shelf for a year before I ever picked it up to read. now, I have it so marked up it falls open to the pages that are covered in highlights, underlining, and notes in the margins.}
- Hope for the Weary Mom by Stacey Thacker & Brooke McGlothlin
{this one, just yes. because if you are not weary now, you will be one day. trust me. i loved this when it was a blog series and the book is awesome! i can’t wait to get the devotional which will be available in January 2016!}
- The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman
{or this version specifically for teenagers}
{if you struggle to communicate with your child or notice he or she seems to feel unloved or unnoticed often, this book could really help. also, i think this would be a great tool to use with siblings or even between parents and children to help understand how to better serve one another within the home.}
- Regret Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You’re Doing It Right by Catherine Hickem
{she had me at the title … and while i do have regrets as a parent, reading this book is definitely not one of them!}
- A Family of Value by Jon Rosemond
{i first read this long before we had our daughter. it’s packed with the sort of wisdom your great-grandmother would give you … and it’s just good.}
- A Mom After God’s Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children by Elizabeth George
{how this one had escaped finding a place on the elizabeth george shelf in my office i have no clue. but it sits happily ensconced now in the parenting collection on my kindle paperwhite
where it is well-highlighted and has lots of notes.}
- Praying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need Most by Brooke McGlothlin
{yes, i know, i don’t have a boy. but one day, my daughter will marry one and i want to know he’s been prayed for. so, i use this to pray for that boy who will one day capture my girl’s heart forever. this is probably one of the most important gifts i will ever give my daughter—the faithful prayers for her future husband.}
And, there’s another book you might want to check out … Parenting from the Overflow. I tell people it’s not really a book about parenting your children, it’s more a book about being a child of the Perfect Father.
So that’s it … 10 great books for moms.
Thanks for sharing this list! I have a daughter who will be a teenager in December and am trying to immerse myself in helpful books as well. Some of these I’ve read, but I’m looking forward to checking out the others. I’ve begun Passionate Parenting by Cary Schmidt and so far I’m finding it to be a great read when it comes to parenting teens.
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker. She did write a boys book as well but the girls book totally changed the dynamic of my husband and daughter. It was absolutely life changing to watch.
I’ve successfully raised two teens (who are now young adults) and have a daughter who will be 13 next week and son who just turned 10. Thank you for sharing these books. I am going to have to read some of them for sure.