Vacation and Quiet Times

We’re on vacation.  We’ve got our feet in the sand and enjoying some much-needed time away {and mostly unplugged}.  It’s what we need … though I imagine come Monday I’ll be needing a vacation to recover from doing all our vacation laundry! 🙂

vacation and quiet times ||

This month at Do Not Depart, the theme has been about keeping holy habits while we travel.  There have been so many great resources shared over there over the past few weeks — everything from memory verses while you travel to a seven-day family devotional you can use on the road.  Just some great information and ideas … you should definitely peruse it all!

I shared early in the month about having a SIMPLE summer Maybe you’re already finding it incredibly difficult to keep up your quiet times with the distractions and chaos summer can bring … I hope these 6 tips give you some encouragement.

Happy Summer, y’all!!

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


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