Sabbath Thoughts

Yesterday we had friends from Georgia over for lunch after church. We ate a simple meal of chicken and dumplins with cornbread and sat around the table laughing and reminiscing about the first time we’d met and trips we’d taken together. We marveled at how big our girls are now and wondered where the time went. After the bowls and plates were piled in the sink, we moved to the living room to continue our conversation over coffee and pie.

Our friends left and we slowly roused ourselves to get ready for our evening church services. We worshiped together with our faith family. “This is the air I breathe, Your very presence, living in me” wafted through the sanctuary, a fragrant offering from our hearts to the throne. As the service ended I chatted with a friend who returned home from a mission trip to Nicaragua. Through her tears she shared just a taste of what she’d seen and experienced.

We ate supper at a local restaurant and chatted with others the way you do in small towns where everyone knows each other. We arrived home to all those bowls and plates still piled in the sink. As I rinsed each dish and placed them in the dishwasher, I reflected on the day we had. It was a good day. Yes, we were all tired. But it was the good kind of tired. Bodies exhausted from the long day of work on Saturday but hearts and minds full of joy and peace from the blessings of Sunday.

sabbath thoughts ||

Those who have been around here for a while know my preoccupation with Sabbath. What is true rest? How do we slow ourselves in the midst of a culture racing to do more, be more, have more? What happens when we pursue slow, simple, and less?

About six weeks ago Laura Boggess contacted me about writing a post for the July book series at The High Calling. She said Shelly Miller had recommended me due to my connection with her Sabbath Society. I was totally humbled and extremely excited. If I’d ever made a blogging bucket list, writing for The High Calling would definitely have been on it. And writing there about a book on the Sabbath? Well, even better! I ordered my copy of  {affiliate link} The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time and began reading while we were on vacation in June. Today, my post on parts three and four of the book is live on The High Calling. {Yes, I’m a little giddy!}

I’d love for you to visit me there and maybe leave a comment or share your thoughts about Sabbath. And, if you are visiting my blog for the first time, welcome! I’m thrilled you are here. You might be interested in the series I wrote about biblical rest or maybe my journey to understanding simplicity. Perhaps you are a mom in need of encouragement or a pastor’s wife who struggles to find her place in the church. However you got here and whatever season life has you in today, I’m just thankful our paths have crossed!

Tell me, what was your Sunday like this week?

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Wow, I had no idea that was on your bucket list Terri Lynne. So blessed to know that. Loved your thoughts on Sabbath and so honored to have you in the Sabbath Society.

  2. I just heard a sermon on the Sabbath at my church and it was definitely challenging! I think it’s so easy to fall into the Martha trap of serving and serving and doing and doing.. when we are also called to just be and to just rest. If God rested, then surely we should too!

    • Being still in a world that values movement can be our greatest challenge, I think. The busy culture has invaded our churches, our communities, and even our hearts. I really believe one of the most distinguishing factors of those who are disciples of Christ is their ability to truly rest, to experience Sabbath … even when everything isn’t done. Trusting obedience to God’s design will allow for the needed work to be accomplished can be difficult.

  3. Thank you so much for your article on the Sabbath. God truly blessed us when He set aside a weekly memorial of creation and redemption thru out time. It is such a blessing that we can rest in His finished work and by faith experience His presence. His Word is such a treasure isn’t it? I love Ezekiel 20:12 which ties it all together. It is such a blessing to be His and to keep His special day. I am so glad He set apart this temple in time. Here is a great song on the Sabbath.

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