I’ve spent the past few days at my parents’ house in Missouri and it has been fabulous! We’ve eaten a ton, shopped a little, and laughed until we cried. In just a couple of hours we’ll tell Granny Sue and Papa Terry good-bye and head off for our last getaway of 2014 and I find myself a bit reflective.
2014 has been a great year in so many ways. I loved the opportunity to lead a few sessions at She Speaks this summer. I’ve made some incredible new friends and accomplished quite a few personal goals.
But 2014 was also a hard year — I did have that heart attack and all, remember.
It’s easy sometimes to start looking ahead to where we want to be and miss the beauty of where we’ve been and even where we are right now.
2014 is quickly winding down and since I’ll be without internet access for the next few days, I thought I’d share a few of the reasons I’m celebrating this incredible year.
All joking aside, after my heart attack on April 27, 2014, I’m grateful beyond measure for every day I’ve been able to spend with the people I love and doing the things I love. But I also find myself thankful for the mundane — the laundry and dishes that represent the active and full life I am privileged to live.
Whatever these remaining days of 2014 find you doing, my prayer is that you will take a moment or two to reflect on what this year has offered you — both joys and sorrows and the deep knowledge God is faithful through it all.
Happy New Year!!
Teri Lynne
If you are searching for a great New Year’s outfit, check out ModCloth! They have some incredible sales going on right now and the most adorable clothes — like fun sweaters. If you’ve been wanting to join the Fair Isles sweater craze {like me!} this is a great look featuring a festive red sweater!
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