Light in the Dark Places

Sometimes we share the darkest parts of our lives so others can have light in their dark places.

Light in the dark places.

You know what I mean, right?  The dark places. I so rarely speak of mine. There are a million reasons why and some of them might even have a little bit of merit. But really, it is simply this—I don’t like to go back there.

When the enemy speaks shame in our hearts, Let's shine the light of truth into those spaces... and then let's be a light in the dark places of others!

Light in the Dark Places

I suppose I could blame it on being a pastor’s kid and always feeling the weight of expectation. Or I could say it’s because I’m an Enneagram 3 and I need you to believe I have it all together.

But the truth is, the deep down reason I rarely speak of my suicide attempt or the situations that led me to that point is shame.


I imagine if you were sitting here with me right now you’d wiggle a little bit, feeling anxious about what I might say next.  Because let’s face it, we all want to hide that ugly stuff. And if I let mine out, you might find yourself letting some of yours out too.

Shame gets a hold of us, doesn’t it?  It reveals itself in all kinds of ways …

You should have known better.

No one will ever understand why you did that.

Who would want to be your friend?

You’ll never be able to make up for the past.

And so the enemy whispers the same thing he’s been saying since the garden, “Did God really say?”

If we confess our sins he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9 CSB

Yes, our sin is forgiven. We are covered by the righteousness of Christ.

I—I sweep away your transgressions for my own sake and remember your sins no more. Isaiah 43:25

God’s forgiveness is complete. When we confess, he not only forgives us but he chooses not to remember our sin.

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7

Not only does he forgive us and remember our sins no more, he redeems our pasts through his grace.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

He makes us new! What a glorious truth, y’all! We are made new through his forgiveness.

When the enemy speaks shame in our hearts, Let's shine the light of truth into those spaces... and then let's be a light in the dark places of others!

Yes, the consequences of our sinful choices may impact our lives.  Yes, we will never be able to forget where we’ve been. But we should also never forget what he has done!

When shame creeps into our hearts, we can boldly and confidently claim the truth of God’s Word —

“Come, let us settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow; though they are crimson red, they will be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18

Friends, let’s shine the light of truth into the dark places in our own hearts … and then let’s be a light in the dark places of others! Let us proclaim God’s faithfulness, his mercy, and his grace.

So, tell your stories! Because they matter.

Sometimes we share the darkest parts of our lives so others can have light in their dark places. Share on X


Teri Lynne


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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