The Power of Things that Will Last

A couple of weeks ago, after I had shared my testimony in church, one of my former Sunday school teachers sent me a card. Like a real card in the mail. I can’t even begin to explain how much it meant to me that she had taken the time to encourage me and share what my story had meant to her.

My family is full of note-senders. My dad wrote me letters every week for my first year of college. I have stacks of cards and notes from my grandmothers, aunts, and others.

There is something incredibly special about a handwritten note isn’t there? The gift of someone giving us something we can hold, something that will last.

In a disposable world, it takes time and attention to give things that will last. But those are the very things we treasure most.
The Power of Things that Will Last

The Bible talks of those things that will last too. Of faith, hope, and love. Of the Word of God that never changes. Of the mercy of God new every morning. Of the faithfulness of our Father. Of the redemption through Jesus.

Things that will last matter.

There is power in them. Jesus said for us to store up those treasures that would last. I believe He was speaking about people and relationships. Eternal things.

But how can we store up those things even now?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the things that last. In an age when everything is disposable and quick, how do we reclaim the beauty and power of things that are lasting and take time?

Perhaps it begins with doing things the “hard way.” With kneading the dough for bread or planting the seeds for our favorite tomatoes. With conversations around the table and a note sent through the mail.

What if we slowed down, even just a little bit?

One of my favorite ways to be intentional about slowing down is to write notes to people. With Mother’s Day approaching, I have made a list of moms who have encouraged and influenced me over the years. Several family members came to mind immediately but I also have some great mom friends who I want to encourage.

There’s something special about getting a card in the mail. I want to make time to share with my friends how they have been an inspiration to me and to encourage them in their own parenting journey. A handwritten note is a great way to remind someone how special they are to you.

So think about it … who could you send a note to? What mom will you encourage or thank?

Let's take time to encourage the moms who have encouraged us! Cards from @DaySpring make it easy! Share on X

Teri Lynne

Dayspring is one of my favorite places to find the perfect cards to send! Since I wanted to write my own special message to the moms in my life, the Created, Called, Crowned set of 50 Correspondence Cards were the perfect choice! Just the right size for a quick note, each of the five designs is adorable!

In a disposable world, it takes time and attention to give things that will last. But those are the very things we treasure most.

Be sure to check out Dayspring’s whole line of gifts and cards just for moms! You will find the perfect gift for all the moms in your life. Be sure to order by Monday, May 8, to insure you receive your gift in time to give it for Mother’s Day!!

Please note: I received these note cards from Dayspring in exchange for my honest opinion — which is, they are great! And, if you order through the links above, I will receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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