Living as People of the Cross {and an invitation!}

We are the people of the cross.

Has a phrase ever nestled down inside your heart and buried itself so deep in your mind you can’t seem to escape it?

Last year we got the latest Selah album and while I love several of the songs, this one is the one I can’t seem to escape —

We are the people of the cross.

What does that mean? How does that look in my everyday, not super exciting life?

These are a few of the questions that have burned in me since I first heard this song. I’ve listened to it more times than I could count and one phrase stays with me almost all the time:

We choose Christ and count all else as loss.

The first time I heard those words, I thought of Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  He wrote,

But everything that was a gain to me, I have considered to be a loss because of Christ. More than that, I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:7-8 CSB)

What does it mean to live as people of the cross? Using Philippians 3:7-11 as a guide, Teri Lynne Underwood will be sharing on this topic at REFRESH, February 24, 2018, at First Baptist Church, Florence, AL So what does it mean to live as a people of the cross?

I imagine this is one of those journeys I’ll be on for the rest of my life. But over the past few months, I’ve begun to scratch the surface and Paul’s words have been a trusty guide.

I’ve pored over Philippians 3:7-11, asking God to reveal more and more to me what it is to live this crucified life.  And I’m honored to be sharing a bit of what I’m learning at Refresh, a women’s event at my church. And, you’re invited!

Yep, the amazing ministry team at FBC would love for you to join us for a morning of Bible teaching and encouragement.

I’ll be teaching from Philippians 3:7-11 on Living as People of the Cross.

Living as People of the Cross || Join Teri Lynne Underwood at REFRESH, February 24, 2018 at First Baptist Church, Florence, AL

What does it mean to live a crucified life? With Paul’s words as our guide, you’ll be challenged and inspired to move into the fullness of living as people of the cross through teaching in three key areas:

  • understanding what it means to CHOOSE Christ and count the rest as loss
  • exploring the pursuit of KNOWING Christ
  • embracing the CALL to a cross-shaped life

It’s such an inexplicable honor for me to be able to share this brand new message — one that has changed and is changing me — at my church and it’s so much fun to invite you to join us. Registration details are below.

Hope to see you in February at Refresh!


Teri Lynne

Event Details:

February 24 2018
8:30 am — 12:00 pm
{a light breakfast bar will be served}

First Baptist Church
209 North Walnut Street
Florence, Alabama 35630

For more information and to register—256.764.4921
We are happy to offer this event at no cost.

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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