Keeping the BIG THINGS in Focus #Intentional2018

Last year was defined by essentially one thing — releasing a book. Tasks related to Praying for Girls dominated my planner and to do lists. And it was great! 2018 is shaping up to be full of more challenges and changes than I ever imagined. Because of this, I’m determined to stay focused each week on the BIG THINGS.

What are your BIG THINGS? How are you purposeful about living in those priorities? Simple way to use Illustrated Faith products to help keep the big things in focus! #intentional2018

Keeping the BIG THINGS in Focus

One of my favorite parts of each week is the hour or so I spend on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon planning the week ahead. I use that time to review the previous week and begin allocating my time for the week to come.

And I start by identifying the BIG THINGS.

What are the BIG THINGS?

I define big things as those areas that have the most impact on how I view the week in terms of success or failure. What foundation needs to be in place in order for me to begin the week with intention and end the week with a sense of purpose?

Here are mine:


What are your BIG THINGS? How are you purposeful about living in those priorities? Simple way to use Illustrated Faith products to help keep the big things in focus! #intentional2018As I look at the week ahead, I ask God to help me understand what prayer I need to make for myself. For example, some weeks when I see my calendar is super full, I may ask for my attitude to not be hurried.

The second big thing for me is identifying my goal for the coming week. Again, I am prayerful about this, full of the awareness that I cannot do it all so I ask God to guide me to the one goal to guide me as I navigate the time I have available. This week my goal is to begin developing a plan for packing the house as we prepare to move. For me, identifying this big goal helps alleviate some of the ongoing stress in my life.

What are your BIG THINGS? How are you purposeful about living in those priorities? Simple way to use Illustrated Faith products to help keep the big things in focus! #intentional2018

Next, I want to be wise about the big challenge I’m going to face. We all know every day brings its own set of complications. But if we can start our week aware of an obvious challenge, it helps develop a plan for navigating it. This week, my challenge is that I started out tired. We had a busy weekend and not much downtime. So I’m giving myself grace.

Finally, I always want to identify a big moment that matters to me each week. By big, I don’t mean a big deal, I mean big impact. For example, I realized a couple of weeks ago I hadn’t spent much time with my friends. Last week, my big moment was lunch with one of my besties.

What are your BIG THINGS? How are you purposeful about living in those priorities? Simple way to use Illustrated Faith products to help keep the big things in focus! #intentional2018How do we keep the BIG THINGS in focus?

Find the right tools and system for this season of life. That’s what I’d tell you if you were sitting here. Here are the must have tools for me {items marked with * are affiliate links} —

I *love* the Illustrated Faith line from DaySpring! February’s kit is called This Is Love* and it’s been fun to add pieces of that collection into my Bible, planner, and on my tending list for this month.

What are your BIG THINGS? How are you purposeful about living in those priorities? Simple way to use Illustrated Faith products to help keep the big things in focus! #intentional2018Why BIG THINGS?

Here’s the deal, y’all, keeping myself focused on what really matters means I start in the Word and then use the Word to guide my days.  Illustrated Faith products help me integrate the truths from my Bible study into my planning and schedule every single day.

Knowing our BIG THINGS keeps us on track — spiritually, mentally, and relationally.

Maybe this is something that appeals to you also? If so, I highly recommend checking out the Illustrated Faith products* at DaySpring to incorporate into your Bible study, planning, and scheduling. Little reminders can make a huge difference!

And, just to help one of you get started on that journey, I’ve got one of the Illustrated Faith “This Is Love” kits all ready to giveaway thanks to my friends at DaySpring.  It’s easy to enter — just share in the comments what one of your BIG THINGS (prayer, goal, challenge, or memory) is for February.  I’ll choose a winner using  Entries open through midnight Saturday, February 10.  Winner will be notified via email.

What are your BIG THINGS? How are you purposeful about living in those priorities? Simple way to use Illustrated Faith products to help keep the big things in focus! #intentional2018

Let’s be intentional about keeping the BIG THINGS in focus!


Teri Lynne

P.S. Looking for a meaningful Valentine’s gift for someone on your list? DaySpring has some great ones!

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Rest is such a challenge. I feel in this season we are going non stop and not getting the breaks we need. My one big thing is to wake up earlier and start a Bible Study time. I’ve cut it out because I have been so exhausted so my goal is to add it back in!

  2. I would have to say rest! I start to do okay with recognizing it and then get caught up in the schedules of three kids and being a pastor’s wife and it goes out the door. At the moment, I can feel it all in my shoulders. Breath! Rest!

  3. My big thing is purposeful time with Christ, family and friends. So many things can interfere in so many ways. I long for simplicity and more meaningful relationships.

  4. My BIG this for February has been pressing in in Prayer and readiHis Word! Can be a huge challenge, have been trying to be very intentional in finding ways to incorporate it in my day planner! Would be awesome to be entered into this amazing giveaway!! Thank you always for your words of encouragement!!

  5. One of my big things is consistent prayer. I pray but sporadically. I am working towards intentional, consistent prayer.

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