What I’m Reading {September 2016}

Y'all, my book stack is HUGE. Seriously. But so many of my friends are writing so many great books ... and I want to tell you all about all of them. But then all I'd be talking about is books and while I love books, I also have other things I want to share with you so these posts are my way of giving you information about what I'm reading and what books I think you'd love. {Also, that was seriously a crazy run-on sentence. ha!} So, here the books I'm working my way through in September. {The ... [Read More]

What I’m Reading {June2016}

  What happens to a girl who loves to read when her life has been full of end of school activities, writing projects, and no down time? She gets cranky, that's what! Until she remembers it's June ... which means VACATION and time to read all those books stacked up on her nightstand {well, a few of them anyway ... let's be honest, that TBR stack is a little like Mt. Everest}. Included on my June reading list is some fiction guaranteed to be so engrossing, you won't even be able to ... [Read More]

{Book Review} Planted with Hope by Tricia Goyer and Sherry Gore

Have you ever felt like the place you are isn't the place you're supposed to be? I'd imagine at some point we all have. Tricia Goyer and Sherry Gore have written a lovely story that speaks to those times when we're wrestling with all the feelings that come with not fitting in. Planted with Hope by Tricia Goyer and Sherry Gore Planted with Hope is the second book in The Pinecraft Pie Shop series and as I read it, I found myself connecting with Hope, the main character. Since her family's ... [Read More]

What I’m Reading {September 2015}

Hi all! Since several of you liked last month's update about what I'm reading, I thought I'd share again this month.  I did finish a couple of books and will {eventually} get real reviews written.  But mostly, this month, I've been a slow reader of non-fiction.  {Most of these links are affiliate links which simply means if you purchase through them I will receive a small commission which I will use to buy more books.} The Power of Persistence: Breakthroughs in Your Prayer Life by Michael ... [Read More]

What I’m Reading {August 2015}

I read. A lot. And I am not exceptionally good at keeping my Book List up-t0-date. {understatement} Also, I don't put books I'm re-reading or most fiction books on the list anyway ... so it's never 100% accurate. I never read just one book at a time.  Emily Freeman and Shelly Miller have both written beautiful posts lately about why they read multiple books simultaneously.  And my head nodded in agreement with the words each of them shared. Also, I have found that I need different types of ... [Read More]

Best Books of 2014

I'm not sure why I didn't read as many books as normal this year ... or if I just didn't do a good job of keeping track of what I read.  I know I re-read several books {like The Hunger Games trilogy} and I didn't add them to my 2014 reading list. Nonetheless, of the almost 100 books I did keep track of, here are my favorites: Home by Julie Andrews. If you love The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins and The Princess Diaries, you must read this biography.  Written with charm and fondness, Julie ... [Read More]