It happened again this weekend. I call it the "Clash of the Hormones." Between my girl's teenager hormones and my menopausal hormones, let's just say it can get highly emotional around here and things can escalate quickly. I don't say that to make light of it ... or to excuse it. But if we're honest, almost all of have those moments when we've totally lost it with our children. It's not that we WANT to be that kind of mom, it's that we're exhausted or stressed or overwhelmed. We love our ... [Read More]
Desires for 2016: Preparing Your Heart for the Year Ahead
What are your dreams and desires for 2016? I know, it probably feels like I'm rushing this post ... and maybe I am a little bit. But I was thinking this morning how 2015 has flown by and I know these last few days of this year will be gone like a flash. So I started a little list of dreams I have for next year. Just some hopes and plans I'm pondering and treasuring as I look at what I hope 2016 will bring. These aren't the big goals and resolutions we often talk about as a new year ... [Read More]
Yes, I Read My Daughter’s Texts {and no, it isn’t because I don’t trust her}
Yes, I am that mom. Every night, I read my daughter's texts and log into her social media accounts to look at the direct messages and friends lists. I am the one who "stalks" anyone on those lists I don't know. I am the mom who knew about Yik Yak two days before a student used it to make a bomb threat at my daughter's school because I was checking texts. One of my girl's friends said to her mom, "Mrs. Teri Lynne knows everything. She might even know before it happens." As much as I'd ... [Read More]
I Don’t Have to Be the Perfect Mom {and neither do you!}
My friend Marguerite and I walk together several mornings a week. Recently {and what seems like always lately}, I was bemoaning my failures as a mom. Marguerite, who has three boys of her own, looked me in the eyes and said, “You would never let any of your friends talk about themselves like this. Treat yourself the way you treat us.” She was right. I’d never let my friends believe they were failures because of frustration over snow days and a less than extravagant birthday celebration. I’d ... [Read More]
15 Years of Mothering {and why it’s harder than I ever thought!}
Fifteen years ago our daughter was born. I had all kinds of hopes and dreams about what life with a girl was going to be. I envisioned tea parties and dance classes. I looked forward to pedicures and movie dates. I anticipated shopping trips and girls only getaway weekends. I was sure I’d be the kind of mom who knew when to listen and how to point her daughter back to Scripture. I just knew we’d share a love for Bible study and maybe even one day do conferences together for moms and ... [Read More]
Your Favorite Posts of 2014
2014 is over and this week my goal is to get back into my blogging groove. December was a crazy month and while I did LOVE sharing some Advent thoughts from the Gospel of Luke every day on Facebook, I didn't manage to blog as much as I had hoped. So, here we are in January. My girl goes back to school on Wednesday so we're relishing our last bit of Christmas break with some shopping and salon-ing. {Yeah, I just made up that word.} I'm looking forward to some fun family time before we jump ... [Read More]
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