Living Sacrifices

Welcome to Day 16 of 31 Ways to Embrace Living Lopsided! On Sundays we are taking time to meditate on a specific verse or passage and understand how it helps us live abundantly and with intention. Today's verse is one of my favorites:  I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1 Lopsided Living Reminds Us We Are Called to Be Living Sacrifices That ... [Read More]

The 5 Most Important Things I Do Every Day

Laundry. Checking on aging grandparents. Dishes. Making the beds. Taking my girl to whatever she has going on. Wiping the bathroom counter. Fixing a meal. Chatting about the day's activities with my husband. Feeding the dog. And the list goes on and on. My everyday, every day tasks are probably pretty similar to yours. So much of life is about doing the same things over and over. Every day we do the everyday stuff. We check mail and pay bills. We wash dishes and sort laundry. We connect with ... [Read More]

On Accusers and Adulterers … and What Grace Really Looks Like

Have you ever read a familiar passage of Scripture, one you've studied and taught and heard countless sermons about, and then one day you read it and the Holy Spirit whispers something entirely new to you, a glimpse of something you had never considered?  Yeah, that happened to me yesterday. I'm using the She Reads Truth Women in the Word plan this summer. {And I love it, by the way!} Yesterday was Day 7 in the New Testament readings. John 8:1-11 ... the adulterous woman. You know the ... [Read More]

When You Don’t Know the Next Step

In case you hadn't noticed, I haven't been writing as much lately. I'd love to tell you it's because I've been doing all sorts of awesome things but really it's because I've been in a bit of a funk. I'm still adjusting to all this medicine and making decisions about what the next steps are in my post-heart-attack journey. I do want to share more about this experience and what I'm learning ... but honestly, it's still too fresh. The Lord had already brought me to a place of stillness and quiet ... [Read More]

Do Small Things Matter for Eternity? {Rhinestone Jesus Book Review}

Sometimes I wonder if what I do really matters. I'm a wife and a mom. I write blog posts and newspaper columns. I do laundry and give the dog baths. I teach a weekly Bible study. I consult with small businesses and help develop social media strategies.  And I read a lot of books. My life is pretty small. I don't say that disparagingly or with any shame. I have a great life — a husband who loves me, a daughter who brings us so much joy, an encouraging family, the best friends, an awesome ... [Read More]

Stiff Necked or Stripped Down? The Choice Between Ornaments and Obedience

I'm never really sure what to do after Easter. I guess that sounds strange ... but it almost feels anticlimactic, these first few days after the somber reflection of Lent leading to Good Friday, the silence of Holy Saturday, and the celebration of Resurrection Sunday. Yesterday Scott had his first real day off since we got home from my parents' house after Spring Break. I cleaned out my closet and ended up with seven bags of clothes to donate. {The emotions and realizations from all of that ... [Read More]