How is August over?? Y'all ... it is crazy! Tonight is my girl will cheer at the first JV football game of the season. The best part of the end of August is that it brings me to my favorite time of the year — COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON!! I can't wait to watch Auburn play Louisville on Saturday. Most months I try to join the lovely Emily as she invites us all to share what we learned. For those of you who just like pictures, here is my month in images: And here is some explanation and ... [Read More]
Jesus Has Overcome!
I've started and stopped this post several times. What words could I ever string together to explain what the last year has been like. One year ago today I got up like every other Sunday morning and headed to worship with my church family. But by the end of the day I was in the cardiac care unit at a local hospital with a 2-1/2 inch stent. Who could ever have guessed a 42-year-old healthy woman with no risk factors would have had a major heart attack ... while singing with the choir at ... [Read More]
5 Simple Changes I’m Making for My Health
I've always considered myself a fairly healthy person. But, when you have a heart attack at age 42, you realize how fragile your health really is ... and how important it is to take care of yourself! My journey the past ten months has been slow and steady. It has taken a long time to get all the medicines to the right dosages. I think that was the worst part ... I was taking so much medicine and it made me feel terrible!!! I've seen both my cardiologist and my internist regularly to figure ... [Read More]
Thinning Eyelashes and Other Old Lady Problems
I have to admit I'm feeling pretty cool right now ... because in the past month I've gotten three opportunities as a "fashion blogger." Which is pretty awesome for a girl who loves boots and scarves and all things girly ... but pretty weird since said girl takes the most awkward photos ever of herself in said fashion awesomeness. Nonetheless, I'm excited to share with you an incredible new product, or at least new to me. A friend from Georgia contacted me about Younique 3D fiber lashes ... [Read More]
When You Don’t Know the Next Step
In case you hadn't noticed, I haven't been writing as much lately. I'd love to tell you it's because I've been doing all sorts of awesome things but really it's because I've been in a bit of a funk. I'm still adjusting to all this medicine and making decisions about what the next steps are in my post-heart-attack journey. I do want to share more about this experience and what I'm learning ... but honestly, it's still too fresh. The Lord had already brought me to a place of stillness and quiet ... [Read More]
I Want to Go Back to Before
I keep thinking it wasn't real. The whole thing was just a dream. I didn't really have a heart attack. I want it to not be real. I want to go back to before ... Before when my weight and cholesterol and blood pressure were numbers that looked good and gave me confidence in my health. Before when 42 was really way too young for anything scary like a heart attack. Before when I drank my coffee and ate my bagel and didn't have a handful of pills to go with my breakfast. We all have a ... [Read More]