So, last year my first traditionally published book released. Encouraging girl moms with the words of Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most was a dream come true. And it was overwhelming and exhausting. Sort of like that first few months with a baby when you're never really sure what day it is or if you've showered. Anyway, the book and the Prayers for Girls ministry basically got 99.9% of my attention professionally (and probably about 95% of my attention personally, if ... [Read More]
Most Popular Posts of 2016
I can't believe we're in the last week of 2016. Y'all, cray-zee. This year flew by, didn't it?? I was looking over the posts I wrote this year and all the topics we've covered around here. The most popular posts covered some of my favorite topics—lopsided living, praying for your daughter, and more. It's been a good year, you know? It's been hard sometimes. But there has also been a lot of joy. The biggest news this year in our house was my book contract with Bethany House. I'm still a little ... [Read More]
A Prayer for My Girl’s Junior Year
We've entered a whole new era ... I no longer drive my girl to and from school. She has a driver's license and a vehicle. She'll pull that little white SUV into an assigned parking place this morning and when she finishes first day of her junior year, she'll drive herself home. I've been thinking a lot about how I feel about all of this and just her growing up in general. And, while there are moments when I do long for that adorable little girl who loved Polly Pockets and stacks of beaded ... [Read More]
What I’m Reading August 2016
So, before we get to the books I'm reading ... can I tell you my big news? I'm writing a book! In May I signed a contract with Bethany House Publishers to write Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most. Y'all, for real, I can't even explain how excited I am! You can read all the details over on the Prayers for Girls blog. And speaking of Prayers for Girls, are you a girl mom? {or aunt or grandmother or teacher ...} We'd love to have you join us over there for ... [Read More]
Dear Daughter, The Truth about Love
To my dear daughter, You turned sixteen this month. I am well aware of how exciting that is to you but I'm pretty sure you have no idea how much this birthday has shaken me. More than any before, this February 17th brought home the truth that time is fleeting. You'll be getting your license and experiencing a new freedom as you pull away in the car without me or your daddy by your side. And I'll be in the house sobbing about how time is a thief and praying for your safety. I've been ... [Read More]
3 Steps to Praying God’s Word—Inform, Inspire, Inscribe
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by prayer? Does praying God's Word seem like something you're neither equipped nor qualified to do? I totally understand! But here's the good news—you can learn how! Praying Scripture isn't as difficult as you might think. Over time I've learned how to allow the Bible to inform and inspire my prayers and then to use it as a foundation to inscribe them—in my prayer journal, as I pray aloud, and most of all, in my heart. 3 Steps to Praying God's Word Scripture ... [Read More]