12 Things to Say YES to in 2017

Once upon a time there was a girl who wondered how to manage all of life's chaos, all of the days' minutiae, all of her heart's dreams, and all of her mind's doubts.  For years she battled with insecurity, anxiety, doubt, and worry. The calendar pages moved from year to year and every January 1st brought her a fresh determination to be different. But somehow by the middle of February she was, once again, overwhelmed, overtired, and over it. Do you know anyone like that? Yeah, me neither. ... [Read More]

12 Things to Say NO to in 2017

I have some things to say NO to in 2017 in order to walk in the YES God has for me. I've been thinking about what I want for 2017. Not just for this space, but also for my heart and my family. I've been contemplating where I've been and where I'd like to go in the coming months. And I've been thinking about what it will take to make all of those things happen. Not just what I need to do ... but also what I need to stop doing. And I've realized in order to  make 2017 the year I'd like to ... [Read More]

Lopsided Living at Christmas

Can you believe Christmas is just over two weeks away? I don't know about you but to me it really feels like 2016 has flown by. As we've been working out our holiday calendar and plans, we keep coming back to our WHY. This year it's circled back to time for just our little family of three. With the realization that Casiday's senior year is just around the corner, both Scott and I have a keen awareness of the sweetness of these how quickly the time of our girl living here with us is passing ... [Read More]

What’s Your WHY? Living Your Priorities this Christmas

Our family calendar for the next few weeks looks basically like a pack of Bic pens blew up. Places we are supposed to be. Practices we are supposed to attend. Parties we are supposed to host. People we are supposed to see. Supposed. That's such a guilt-inducing word, right? Sort of like "should" and "ought." In my mind, every sentence that includes one of those three words is followed by a sentence beginning with, "But ..." And, honestly, because of the blend of my people-pleasing ... [Read More]

Don’t Forget to Remember {or why you need Thanksgiving traditions}

"Take care lest you forget ..." Several times in Deuteronomy the Lord speaks these words to the Israelites. He knew their hearts could easily be distracted from all He had done for them— things like, rescuing them from their bondage in Egypt, splitting the Red Sea, providing them manna and quail in the wilderness, sand guiding them to the Promised Land. Can you imagine forgetting to remember those things? Letting the mundane of life sweep aside the powerful ways God had delivered you? ... [Read More]

You’ve Got This! {a prayer for the embracers of Lopsided Living}

Welcome to Day 31 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Well, my friends, we made it to the end. Can I tell you I really wasn't sure this would happen? Not because of you, of course. But because somehow my silly little self thought I could write a 31-day series about one of the topics I care most deeply about AND finish the manuscript for my first book at the same time. But guess what?? We did it! And I mean WE because every email you sent me this month, every comment you left, every kind ... [Read More]