Books for Your Friends {a gift guide for bibliophiles}

Books are my favorite thing to give and to receive. But sometimes I have a hard time figuring out the perfect book to give. Maybe you do too? Here are twenty-five book recommendations along with the friend who might find each most encouraging and useful. And, you never know, you might find a book or two you'd like to add to your own wish list as well. Okay, y'all, ready for this?? This is going to be super easy to follow. A short description of a friend and a book that I think ... [Read More]

10 Gifts to Encourage Your Little Girl’s Faith

Next up on the Christmas gift guides ... little girls! Y'all, I can't lie, I love the little ones at Christmas. My favorite Christmas picture of Casiday is when she was almost two. She's wearing the cutest Christmas sweater and a Santa hat. She had those chubby toddler hands and is holding a big red ornament. And, she has the biggest wad of bubble gum in her mouth. I put it out every year because I love it so much. It was so fun researching and curating this list for all of us who will ... [Read More]

10 Gifts to Inspire Your Tween Girl’s Faith

Those tween years are super hard. Part girl, part teen with all kinds of hormones and changes in personality and physicality — these years between 9 and 13 can be completely overwhelming for us as moms and for our sweet girls as well. So many of the moms I know with girls in this age group want to be super intentional about investing in their girl's spiritual life during this season — but they really aren't sure how to do it! I totally understand, and I felt the same way when my girl ... [Read More]

Make This Year’s Easter Basket More Meaningful

Can you believe it's already April? This year is flying by, isn't it? Easter is this month and it's my favorite holiday. I love the little girls in their frilly socks and smocked dresses. I adore the little boys in bow ties and pastel shirts. And I love the way the Forget the Frock movement has changed how we view what we wear for Easter. {But I am always going to love little girls with frilly socks and little boys with bow ties.} Easter baskets have always been a big deal in our home. ... [Read More]

Praying for Our Daughters

A few months ago, my family and I traveled to Colorado Springs for a fun opportunity I'd been given — to record an interview with Focus on the Family about the value of praying for our girls. Y'all, it was so fun! And such a gift to be able to take my husband and daughter with me. We had a great time and loved the time we were able to spend talking with both broadcast host John Fuller and Focus President Jim Daly. I was so impressed with Mr. Daly — and if you haven't read his book, Refocus, ... [Read More]

Resource Recommendation: (in)courage Devotional Bible

People ask me all the time about Bibles. Usually they ask me what Bible they should get. I know a lot of people have one answer they give to everyone. But when someone asks me, I always have a bunch of questions for them before I can give an answer. Finding the right Bible for you isn't always easy. I've learned that different Bibles can serve different purposes in different seasons of life. In fact, I've discovered, for myself anyway, I use a multiple Bibles almost every day for different ... [Read More]