{Sunday Scripture} Psalm 90:12

As you look at the week ahead, remember this: God sees what you can't and knows what you don't. Ask Him to grant you wisdom as you plan and prepare. We've been memorizing Scripture each week during this 31 Days of Living Well series.  So far, we've learned John 10:10 and Colossians 3:23.  Will you join me in embedding these verses to remind ourselves of what the abundant life looks like? ... [Read More]

{Sunday Scripture} Colossians 3:23

Did you memorize John 10:10 last week? I hope so! Memorizing Scripture is one of those things we all know we should do ... but we all have a thousand reasons why we can't or don't.  So what if we agree there are lots of reasons, even some good ones, why we haven't been focused on doing this before but for the rest of this month, we're all going to give this Scripture memorizing thing a try.  Sound good? Let's do it!! This week, will you "whatever you do" for the Lord? ... [Read More]

{Sunday Scripture} John 10:10

What if we memorized a few verses this month? Verses that could help us remember what matters and what doesn't?  Verses that encourage us to live well? Embedding Scripture in our hearts is one of the best tools for removing the guilt, comparison, and discontent that far too often take up residence. Like this one from John 10:10 ... Will you choose the abundant life this week? Let's live well, shall we? ... [Read More]

{Sunday Scripture} Psalm 16:11

  We live in a world filled with discontent and discord.  Heartache and sorrow seem to abound.  But as believers we have this promise we can trust ... He is sufficient and in His presence there is joy. Take time to find joy in His presence today. ... [Read More]

{Sunday Scripture} Psalm 104:33

We don't sing as many hymns in church these days as we did when I was growing up.  But once a month, I go with our Senior Adults to the nursing home and we drag out the old hymnals and sing all of their favorites.  There is just something about those old hymns that brings a sweet peace to my spirit.  As we begin a new week, I encourage you to sing some of those old standards of the faith.   And just out of curiosity, what is your favorite hymn? ... [Read More]