Will you take the #encouragementdare?

In the immortal words of Schwartz on A Christmas Story, "I triple dog dare you!" No, silly, not to stick your tongue to the flag pole. That would totally hurt! I am challenging you to take the #encouragementdare. Will you take the #encouragementdare? Okay, I know, you're thinking two things: I have no idea what this is; and It sounds like something I'd like to do. Let me share a few more details. The #EncouragementDare In 2007, then-President Obama established September 12 ... [Read More]

The Power of Things that Will Last

A couple of weeks ago, after I had shared my testimony in church, one of my former Sunday school teachers sent me a card. Like a real card in the mail. I can't even begin to explain how much it meant to me that she had taken the time to encourage me and share what my story had meant to her. My family is full of note-senders. My dad wrote me letters every week for my first year of college. I have stacks of cards and notes from my grandmothers, aunts, and others. There is something ... [Read More]

3 Qualities of True Piety

Piety. It's not one of those words we use every day, right? It feels a little old-fashioned. But sometimes, a word we don't use often is the perfect word to make us stop and really think.  Here's the definition: the quality of being religious or reverent.  Some of the synonyms for piety include devoutness, devotion, piousness, religion, holiness, godliness, saintliness.       3 Qualities of True Piety We've been studying the book of James in the women's Bible ... [Read More]

Fear Fighting: When Rejection Tears Your Heart Apart {guest post by Kelly Balarie}

  I'm thrilled to welcome Kelly Balarie whose book, Fear Fighting: Awakening Courage to Overcome Your Fears, releases today. I'll be sharing more about the book has impacted me and my thoughts about the coming year later this month. But today, I wanted you to hear from Kelly about a topic we all face—rejection. Kelly's words are a great reminder and reminder for all of us as 2017 begins. ~ TL Fear Fighting: When Rejection Tears Your Heart Apart I remember it like yesterday: he ... [Read More]

{Book Review} 66 Ways God Loves You by Jennifer Rothschild

This week has been hard in so many ways. Our beloved Mamaw Underwood is slowing fading from this earth. And we are thankful for the almost 92 years she has lived and the way she has loved her family so well. But we are keenly aware that her days here are few and soon she will be healed and whole in the presence of the Lord. Tuesday I was able to help her hospice nurse give her a bath. As we gently lifted her tiny arms and legs and washed her hair, I thought about what a holy thing we were ... [Read More]

Encourage Someone

Welcome to Day 25 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living! Today's post is all about something I always MEAN to do ... but often fail to accomplish. It's one of those things that makes its way to my "to do" list every week and then gets bumped to the next week's list. I know it's important. I know it matters. And I love it when people do it for me. But somehow, in the middle of writing, laundry, and assuring the dog he doesn't have to bark at every little sound, this is often what remains ... [Read More]