We Will Remember

Ten years ago today I was with my entire family - parents, brothers, sister-in-law, nieces and nephews - at "The Happiest Place on Earth." We were on our second day at Magic Kingdom and looking forward to doing all the things we'd missed the day before due to those late afternoon thunderstorms in central Florida. We arrived at the park when it opened and immediately agreed to meet back around lunch time at the Mickey and Walt statue to see how everyone was doing. Scott and I headed to Country ... [Read More]

Top Ten Bible Studies {2011 Recommendations}

Often I am asked to recommend a Bible study for an individual or a small group.    I always wish I had a list to refer them to as I can never think of my favorites of the top of my head.  {My brain always seems to go into "sleep" mode when I need to be able to give an answer on the spot, am I alone?} So, today, I'm sharing my favorites of all the Bible studies I've ever done - some I've been the leader and some a participant.   Maybe you'll find something you're interested in doing! 1. ... [Read More]

When Fear Immobilizes You

When you start to feel afraid, affirm your trust in Me.  ~ Sarah Young, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence What are you afraid of?  What haunts your thoughts and drags your dreams through the muck and mire?  What immobilizes you? Lately I've been caught, trapped, by my fears, my insecurities.   What if the people at this new church don't like me? What if my next ebook is a flop? What if my blog withers up? What if my writing is bad? What if ... And so the cycle goes.  The ... [Read More]

Book Review: One in a Million

I was in the front seat, staring blankly out the passenger window.   Have you ever done that? Stared blankly while your life, with all its spinning parts, whirled around you in a chaotic fury?  Have you ever thought to yourself, How did we get here?  How did this happen? That's how I felt on that particular day.  (98) When I received Priscilla Shirer's latest book, One in a Million, to review, I was - honestly - covered up with so many projects that I just had to leave it sitting on my desk ... ... [Read More]

Learning to Trust God

"You need to understand that this is a life-threatening illness." "I'm sorry but removing the spleen has not brought the result we hoped." "There have been two bleeds on the brain." "Get a room in ICU. STAT!" "We'll know more in the next six hours." "He is on life support. The situation is very serious." Learning to Trust God Those are just a few words from doctors now etched into my heart and mind. In May 2004, my husband Scott was diagnosed with ITP, an auto-immune blood disorder. His ... [Read More]